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Breadcrumbs link nightmare?

  • @einar2507


    /Forum/ or /Forums/ ???

    After installing bbpress I created a page “Forum” with the shortcode [bbp-forum-index]. I made a menu with a link to that “Forum” page. All fine and the forum index listed.

    But when I go in to a forum and the click on the breadcrumbs “Forums” to get back, I land on a blank page with the text “Forums” ???
    I have also tried to make a page Forums with shortcode [bbp-forum-index] but that does not change anything.
    I dont understand this and what I do wrong?
    Here is my two pages where first is ok, but breadcrumbs lead to second with error.


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  • @robin-w


    go to dashboard>settings>forums and look at the forum root slug – it will probably be forums and the forum single slug is forum.

    so call your page ‘forums’ and make sure the permalink for that page is also ‘forums’ and it will all work 🙂



    As I mentioned when I do that then I just have a page with the text “Forum” and the link goes to a single post. I dont understand what is happening.



    the link you supplied forwards to

    Generelt om klima

    so you have forumet not forums ??



    I am trying a lot of stuff now. This is what I have tried and with no success
    1) Forum Rot: forums, page-slug: forum – This gives the
    2) Forum Rot: forumet, page-slug: forumet
    3) Forum Rot: forums, page-slug: forumet
    4) Forum Rot: forumet, page-slug: forums
    5) Forum Rot: forums, page-slug: forums
    Forumprefix is ON

    Forum single slug has always been “forum”



    ok, but what is the permalink of your forums page ?





    Now I see that I get the same result when I use the shortcode or not in the page. The shortcode [bbp-forum-index] has no effekt.



    I also find out that if I have the Forum page named “Forum” with slug “forum” and the Forum rot=”forums” then the shortcode works but the breadcrumbs points to the “forums” root and does therefore not display any forum. Only the text “formum” with at random link it seems to me.




    writing threads that complain about free software offered with free support is not the way to get your problem fixed – so I deleted that one as it serves no purpose.

    In essence the forum root slug simply needs to match the permalink of the page where you have put the shortcode on, then it all works.



    Ok, thanks and sorry for my frustration – my bad! You write “In essence the forum root slug simply needs to match the permalink of the page where you have put the shortcode on, then it all works.”

    That is not correct. Just take a look at my page and then click on the breadcrumbs. At he moment the page name and forum rot do not match but it works, and only the breadcrumbs goes wrongly to the “forums” root page that dont exists. If I change the page slug to match the forum rot, then nothing displays except the text “Forums”.



    So have you got the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] in that page?



    Yes. I have used both the Gutenberg editor Shortkode choice and inserted it directly into the text. Same result.



    ok, I can only suggest you install

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Breadcrumbs

    where you can reset where the root takes you to back to your forum page



    That saved my day. Now its working properly. There must be something wrong with the bbPress basic system?
    Thank you so much for your endless patience with me!!!



    basic system is fine – the issue is either site specific or words lost in translation between us 🙂

    there are over 300,000 installations of bbpress – if breadcrumbs didn’t work, we’d know about it 🙂

    But I’m glad you are fixed 🙂

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