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Bots hit urls posted in this forum

  • @robin-w


    From lots of recent posts, it seems like some bots are looking for any urls posted in topics on this site.

    The urls are them hit hard for 24hours afterwards, giving denial of service and in some cases the webhosts taking the sites down to improve traffic on shared servers.

    I have had this, and many posts are now mentioning this as an issue.

    JJJ and SE – Suspect there’s nothing this site can do about it, but maybe a sticky to advise posters might help. Something along the lines of :

    WARNING – Please be careful if you post the url of your website on this forum

    Bots are creating traffic to urls posted on this site, which can result in denial of service. If you need to post your url (and in many cases this helps considerably in fixing the issue) if your site is say please post as follows :

    ‘my url is http://www.mysite.not – just replace the not with com ‘
    ‘my site is http://www.mysite.not – just replace the not with com’

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