BBPress works in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer
Not sure if this question should go to the Installation forum or Troubleshooting. I actually posted this question last night to the forum, and this morning it has disappeared. So trying again…
I have spent all weekend installing bbPress and modifying the kakumei template to integrate with my site. It all looked great in Firefox and Safari, but when I view the site in Internet Explorer 8, I cannot reach any pages besides front page, and only then if I browse to Simply browsing to in Internet Explorer brings up a 404 Error, as do all the other forum pages.
Here are details of my install:
WordPress 2.8.4 installed at the root:
bbPress 1.0.2 installed at
bbPress is installed into the same database as WordPress on a GoDaddy Linux server.
I have added this code to my bb-config file as instructed:
/** Integrate with WordPress */
This is because I want my WordPress plugin menu bar to appear in bbPress as well as other WordPress functions.
I thought perhaps the issue had to do with pretty permalinks, as I read some entries in this forum on that issue, so I actually switched back to the original ugly permalinks, cleared the browser cache and restarted IE. IE will still not open any of the bbPress pages besides index.php and returns a 404 error from the server (not my WordPress 404 page.)
I have two .htaccess files, one in the root folder created by WordPress and one in /discuss/ created by bbPress. I tried deleting that file after switching back to ugly permalinks, and now there is a new one there.
I am a novice. I don’t understand the information in the .htaccess file, but I am happy to copy the information from both files over here if that would help.
I just really don’t understand why the bbPress pages work fine in Firefox and Safari and not in IE.
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