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bbPress Subscription Feature Not Working

  • @jelliott2014


    I’ve looked thru previous posts on this topic without success; hopefully you can help.

    I have created a forum that several users of my site have subscribed to. When anyone creates a new topic or post to the forum, neither I nor other subscribers are notified. I do see an email sent to noreply@(MyDomain) notifying me of a post sent by me, but copies are not received by others who are subscribed (which I believe should be bcc’d). I am certain I’m overlooking something; can you help?
    Do users need to be logged into the website to receive an email?

    bbPress ver. 2.6.9
    Astra Theme ver. 4.02

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  • @robin-w


    if you are seeing emails, I suspect the problem is downstream from your site, and that spam detectors in the various mail providers are seeing emails with lots of bcc’s as spam.

    I would first see that emails are being sent by using

    Check & Log Email

    and setting it up to log emails

    You can then see what is being sent.

    If emails are going, then you might need to change the ‘from’ email address that bbpress uses to a real one on your domain, or by setting up the ‘noreply@’ email as a real one on your domain, you hoster will help you here if you don’t know how to do that.

    Finally you could use this plugin :

    AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions

    to send the emails one at a time. Whilst old it still works fine.





    emails from “C%L Emails” are being received by me, but email notifications to a topic reply are still not being received by subscribers to that topic. Nor is there anything in “Email Logs”. So it appears that notification emails are not going out to subscribers.

    I have also installed the Asyncronous plugin (w/o modification) with no change. I have also created an email account “noreply@mydomain” in my host account.

    This is confusing, since I know others have had no issue!



    so the logs in ‘check and log emails’ – show emails to you, but none to the subscribers – yes?



    Good catch. Test email was received at my Gmail account, but did not get through at my Firefox account. Gmail warned that the email may be spoofed, but Firefox must have caught the email. I have just also sent to other subscribers not tied to my hosting plan. No feedback yet.

    The email log shows all the test emails that were sent today. Nothing showed up yesterday. Curious.

    Except for test messages today, nothing shows as sent to subscribers.



    Update: One subscriber had some (but not all!) email notification emails in his spam folder in Gmail. I’ve also had some, not all, notifications in my inbox. Other subscribers have no emails.

    There seems to be an inconsistency here. I’ll check further with care. Can the bcc emails be an issue?



    No. because you tested also Asyncronous plugin and it does not use bcc.

    You can try to use another method to send emails. For example, You can try sending emails via this plugin:

    WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin



    Set up a free account using Sendinblue. Lots of options; I’ll need to play with it. A bit above my pay grade, frankly.



    This plugin seems like it may help. I can now see emails being sent; more work to be done. One gotcha. I set up an email account “noreply@mydomain” as the sending email address. However I find email notifications are sent both from and to the noreply account. Have not tracked that down yet.



    if you are not using AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions, then bbpress will send

    from the noreply@
    to the noreply@
    and then bcc in the users

    This is a common way to bulk email.



    Yes, I have deleted AsynCRONous, but am now experimenting with WP Mail SMTP by WP Forms as you suggested. I thought it overrode the bcc std. process, and sent emails directly to subscribers’s emails from noreply? Am I incorrect? Thanks for your patience!



    WP Mail SMTP doesn’t chnage how bbress sends – ie it will still be

    from the noreply@
    to the noreply@
    and then bcc in the users

    but it can improve the delivery by making the emails better authenticated.

    BUT if your email system doesn’t have an email set up in it of noreply@ then emails may still be rejected.

    so there are lots of stages (email is a right pain)

    leaving your WordPress site
    arriving and leaving your email server (some email servers will not allow multiple BCCs or BCC’s above a number eg say more than 20 )
    leaving your email server in DNS settings (you might need things like DMARC set to prevent spoofing)

    even after all that, your recipients email systems may reject or mark as spam. so emails to say gmail users may get rejected as they don’t like something, whilst say hotmail might be fine with them.

    You could write a degree course in understanding email systems !!



    Thanks. I’ll fiddle with it a bit more, then return to the “standard” bbPress config. Subscribers may/maynot be notified. Serves them right for not regularly checking the Forum. I’m not messing with DNS settings.



    Re “you might need to change the email address bbPress sends emails from”. How easy is this? I am the admin of my site, but I don’t have any server access, so can’t hack into php files. I know the issue is the from address, because I have fixed other emails from WP using the “WP Mail From” plugin. The issue is that the site is in a subdomain of the main hosted domain, but emails need to go from the main domain.

    Hope this makes sense.





    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Subscription Emails

    and you can change the email address in those settings



    Many thanks. I actually fixed it after a bit of Googling by installing the code snippets plugin, and installing a snippet to set the filter bbp_get_do_not_reply_address.

    This sounds even easier. Thanks!

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