Now I have to edit the file
ok so you have already put :
function rkk_widgets_init() {
register_sidebar( array(
'name' => __( 'bbPress Sidebar', 'rkk' ),
'id' => 'bbp-sidebar',
'description' => __( 'A sidebar that only appears on bbPress pages', 'rkk' ),
'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</aside>',
'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
'after_title' => '</h3>',
) );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'rkk_widgets_init' );
into your child theme functions file – yes ?
and then did this
I chose the left-sidebar-page.php of my theme, copied it into my child theme and replaced <?php get_sidebar(); ?> with <?php dynamic_sidebar( ‘bbp-sidebar’); ?>. Because I read this in another topic of a theme salient user.
which replaces the second part of 26, as you have chosen the left-sidebar rather than just sidebar
yes ?
so what exactly are you stuck on?
Uh Yes I did the steps you mentioned, so I’m not stuck haha.
But I also don’t have a sidebar on my page…
I created a regular page, because I need some info above the forum. I didn’t set a page template or anything. If I do chose the page template left-sidebar, then I do have a sidebar. But that looks the same then when I just add the bbpress widgets to the default left sidebar and don’t do the specific sidebar steps.
I thought if I use the specific sidebar it would look more like the rest of the forum. Thats why I tried that. Was I wrong?
So when should someone use the specific sidebar?
Thanks for your help again!
If I set my forum page to the left-sidebar-template and I click on a forum or a categroy, then next page doesn’t have the sidebar anymore…
is the salient theme topic you refer to visible to anyone and if so do you have a link?
We have a placeholder live, but I’ll deactivate it for now.
This is the link to follow;
I just set the page template back to default, so the sidebar isn’t visible.
Hi Robin,
I activated the placeholder again, so let me know if you need it deactivated.
Hi Robin,
Can you please help me with this issue?
hmmm.. looks like you need a bbpress template in your theme.
so first you need to create a child theme – the ‘salient’ theme docs should tell you how to do this.
Then in your salient theme copy the ‘left-sidebar-page.php’ file you created into the child theme, and then rename it ‘bbpress.php’
That should mean that all bbpress pages use this template.
this topic talks about buddypress, but the principal is the same, and not knowing the structure of salient, it might be sidebar.php that you need to use
Thanks again Robin!
I’ll ask Salient for help, maybe they know…