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bbpress plugin -users favorites

  • @anointed


    When I am logged in and go to my user.php profile page, I am indeed able to see a listing of my favorite posts.

    It is when I am not logged in that my user.php profile page says

    ‘This user has no favorite topics.’

    Now either the logic is broken, or it is intentional not to show a users favorites to a non-logged-in user. If that is the case then we need the logic to remove the favorites from non-logged-in users.

    IMHO, I don’t think the public has any business knowing which posts are my favorites. I’d rather just have that text taken out of the template if I am viewing any users profile other than my own.

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Favorite topics are public in bbPress 2.0, and always have been in previous versions.

    Is it possible the reason why they’re appearing for you when you’re logged in, and not for other users (or logged out users) because those topics exist inside a private or hidden forum?

    I did find a possible undefined variable situation that could cause an error value to be returned instead of topic ID’s, so if the topics exist in public forums, that code change might fix it.



    Would be nice to have a switch to remove a users favorites from users views.

    No, I have not setup any forums as private or hidden yet, have not yet made it that far into bbpress.



    Are you using Beta 1, or using the SVN checkout? Since you’re actively finding smaller bugs as you go, it’d be helpful if it were possible for you to switch to running the SVN checkout and get the updates as I commit them.



    I am not running svn, but rev. 3326. I do a manual update each day just to catch up. For instance, you made tons of commits last night so I need another update. Dad is quite sick today so I have to take off for a bit, but will install new vs. when I return home tonight.

    For the most part, I have not yet gotten into looking for bugs as I am 100% focused on building a custom template. For now I am not going crazy until things are more stable. It is a tedious job recreating the theme templates on each revision, which means I am leaving the internal logic alone for now.

    Once I have a better grasp of what is truly going on, then I’ll post more reports. These reports are just the basic stuff that I am coming across while picturing what I want my bbpress to function like.

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