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[bbPress Plugin] Translation

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  • @bkhl


    Is “fi” the exact language code you have set in your wp-config.php? It’s not “fi_FI” or “fi_SF” or whatever it might be?



    Hi to translate the Forum bbPress WordPress plug-in –

    download translation (.mo) from here:

    and put it here:


    MAY NOT NEED to set Anywhere (wp-config.php)

    define(‘BBLANG’, ‘bg_BG’);

    It works for me.



    Hi panda3000,

    mayby you can upload your plugin? The steps are not working for me!

    Greetings Dennis



    We have done a bit of testing with this as it’s a major issue for us.

    We’ve got the translators to work on beta1 and understand the logic as follows (based on function load_textdomain()):

    1.- translated po (mo) files have to be named with the xx being the language/country combination as on standart WordPress Codex (ie es_ES) for spanish / Spain

    2.- function will look for the file under the plugin directory//bbp-languages and if it’s not there will look for it at the standart WP language dir, normally wp-include/languages but this may vary.

    Hope this helps anyone with this issue. Perhaps a TXT file with this info could be included under the bbp-languages folder of the plugin.



    Forgot to add that the lang constant is just as it should be for a plugin, from the general WP config.php: (define (‘WPLANG’, ‘xx_XX’);

    No need to set BBLANG anywhere.



    Hi, I have translated over 70% of CS_cz on my own and I would like to import it to glotpress. Is there any way for me to do it?



    Panda: these are the translation of the forum that are not the same.



    Oh man, I wish there was a better documentation for this, it’s not that easy to figure out… after a couple of hours of Googleing and trying all kinds of combinations, the only thing that works for me is :

    Place the mo files in the plugin language folder as following /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-languages/

    This is not ideal, as next time we update bbpress the translation files will be overwritten. The translation files should probably be in : /wp-content/languages/, in /wp-include/languages/ or in the child theme we use but none of these work for me.

    Any ideas on how to have the translation files outside of the plugin directory?



    good point, how do other plugins do this?



    I’m quite new to the whole localization deal so I’m not quite sure.

    Apparently the folder /wp-include/languages/ is for the translation of WordPress itself. So my guess is that /wp-content/languages/ would be the best place to place the translations.

    Then its not affected by theme or plugin updates, and yet it’s in wp-content which is the folder that should contain every non-standard WordPress files so that it’s easy to update WordPress itself.

    I’m not sure if it is a standard folder, of it’s the plugin qTranslate that created it.

    Some other thoughts ?



    Well guys, I don’t think so… Plugin and everything for it ought to be stored in one folder insidie plugin folder. How to keep translations?

    1) not to delete them while updating (however don’t know, if it is possible)

    2) after update, automatical download of language file based on locales… (as i.e. NextGen Gallery does…)



    Hi Begis,

    Your 1) solution isn’t really an option. The automatic updating mechanism from WordPress will overwrite the whole plugin’s folder. And trading automatic update for manual… well, it’s likely that some time someone will run the automatic by mistake.

    The 2) solution sounds good, but I guess it involves quite some work to develop the plugin ?

    Does anyone knows if the WordPress team has some guidelines, I’m too new to plugin development to know, and I didn’t seem to find anything.



    Plugin locales are pretty clear in the Codex. This might be of help:



    how do other plugins do this?

    /languages folder within plugin folder.

    They simply look at WPLANG to load language



    Turns out that the location to place language files is wp-content/languages/bbpress/ and not anywhere inside your bbpress plugin folder.

    It’s an odd location for language files, though, considering that most plugins need to be self-contained and have a /langauges folder within the plugin folder. (e.g. within in /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-languages folder which already exists)

    Also, the name of your file should be of the format not simply

    Finally, you should download the file from not from

    In order to download the file, click on the language you want, then scroll down to the bottom of the page, and hit Export.

    At the very least, I wish included all this in their documentation. The existing documentation has nothing to do with how bbPress work now…all documentation is really for the discontinued standalone version. (by the way, the discontinuation of the standalone version should also be clearly stated on the download page)




    This is driving me nuts! It should be so simple but I cant get it to work.

    Running latest versions of WP and the bbPress plugin, installed within WP.

    Then I download the language file (sv_SE, swedish) and pretty much everything in the backend stops working.

    Depending on what other plugins I have active at the same time different parts stop working.

    I’ve tried to put the file in the location you described and the bbpress/bbp-language folder as well.

    Please help me!




    Found the solution, at least it works, however maybe there’s a better way of doing it.

    Anyway, increasing the memory limit to 64 resolved all of my issues. “Thank you G”!

    Found it here:



    You can also maintaining plugin and theme translations with the awesome “Codestyling Localization” plugin:

    “fi” is the correct locale for Finnish!!

    Placing the language files in /wp-content/languages/ is already prepared in bbPress 2.x but unfortunately it does not work yet (since 2.x branch!) – it would be nice seeing that fixed as overriding language files via updates is no fun at all!

    Thanx, Dave :)



    @ panda3000

    The download translation aren’t working for me


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