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bbPress Plugin Templates

  • @driz


    I have been building a website using WordPress and BuddyPress and have created my own custom theme that has BOTH WordPress and BuddyPress template files. I’m looking into using the bbPress plugin to build a forum but I’m rather confused about the theming system in the plugin.

    I have looked at copying the theme files from the templates in the plugin and I have two questions:

    1.) If I put them inside a /forums/ folder inside my theme would bbPress see the files?

    2.) What happens regarding the BuddyPress Forums system? I have read the blog post over on their website but I don’t fully understand what is happening regarding bridging these two plugins as in BuddyPress there is ALSO a /forums/ folder for the template files so would conflict with the bbPress plugin files if I have them in my theme.


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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    The /forums folder in the bbp-twentyten folder is new as of a few hours ago. The bbPress plugin is programmed to look in a few places for its template files, two of which are “/forums” or “/bbpress”

    Eventually BuddyPress and bbPress will play nicely together, but until then there’s a bit of a disconnect since BuddyPress currently has no idea the bbPress plugin exists. :)

    If you have forums installed as part of your existing BuddyPress installation, eventually the bbPress plugin will include a script to migrate those forums over. Until then, they are two totally disconnected and separately functioning forums.



    The /forums folder in the bbp-twentyten folder is new as of a few hours ago. The bbPress plugin is programmed to look in a few places for its template files, two of which are “/forums” or “/bbpress”

    Eventually BuddyPress and bbPress will play nicely together, but until then there’s a bit of a disconnect since BuddyPress currently has no idea the bbPress plugin exists. :)

    If you have forums installed as part of your existing BuddyPress installation, eventually the bbPress plugin will include a script to migrate those forums over. Until then, they are two totally disconnected and separately functioning forums.



    I have had a look at the latest version but there are template files inside the folder here: /bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/ and also /bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/bbpress/

    I have copied JUST the bbPress folder to my theme BUT there are still those other files that sit inside the root theme folder. Why are they NOT all inside the bbpress sub-folder?



    I have had a look at the latest version but there are template files inside the folder here: /bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/ and also /bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten/bbpress/

    I have copied JUST the bbPress folder to my theme BUT there are still those other files that sit inside the root theme folder. Why are they NOT all inside the bbpress sub-folder?



    Any updates on this please? Thanks



    Any updates on this please? Thanks



    Any updates please? Thank you



    Any updates please? Thank you



    Would be really good to get a reply to this. Thanks



    Would be really good to get a reply to this. Thanks

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