Do you have the user role editor installed? I get that issue from time to time (forum/topics/replies tabs disappearing from my admin dashboard) and all it takes is a quick reset of the permissions using that plugin to bring them back!
Thanks fencer_x. Will give that a try but I still don’t understand why it won’t install properly. the widgets are there and I’m listed as the keymaster for forums. I think there is a problem with the new version.
This typically occurs if there is a plugin conflict.
Have you tried to see if bbPress is conflicting with another plugin?
To try and resolve conflicts with other plugins please disable all your plugins except bbPress to see if the error persists. Re-enable each plugin one at a time and if things break again you should be able to now know which other plugin is causing the conflict.
Hi Stephen.
Thanks for your message. I have identified the conflicting plugin. It is WPML Media. I’ve logged the problem with them and waiting for their assistance. Is there is anything further BBPress can do to resolve this conflict?
I’m seeing the same issue with WP 3.8 and bbPress 2.5.1 when MemberDeck 1.2.1 is activated. I reached out to their developer and with debugging turned on the following error occurs with the bbp_setup_current_user function/hook:
The current user is being initialized without using $wp->init()
I see a ticket for this already filed with both bbPress and upstream in WordPress:
THANKS! fencer_x after 3 days of dithering around I did as you suggested and it was fixed in less than 2 minutes