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Bbpress page/post titles on WordPress integration

  • @paulo-faustino


    Hello People,

    I’ve made a deep integration of Bbpress into my WordPress blog as you can see at but i’m getting a very big problem. I can’t make page/post title to appear as my bbpress topic/posts titles. I’ve searched for about 8h on google and i didn’t found any solution for this. There’s anyone that can help me define this titles?

    I’m using the header and footer of my main WordPress blog. There’s any way i can define that if the page/post is from bbpress, it’ll call the page title from bbpress? With this mess, i can’t even make a sitemap for the forum :(

    If anyone can share some sort of code to implement on my wordpress for fixing this, i really appreciate. If needed, i can pay for the work.

    Thanks in advance.


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  • @chrishajer


    What do you expect to happen? Do you want WordPress posts/pages to appear as forum topics automatically, or are you trying to display a list of WordPress posts/pages?



    Hi chris, thanks for the reply. I only that the titles appear just like on my normal WordPress entries. On the forum, if i click on a post or topic, there isn’t any title for that :( I’m not trying to automate content. I only want that my forum has it’s own pages/posts titles, not only to appear on the top browser, but also to help them rank in search engines.

    I think this problem appears because i’m defining the title of this bbpress posts/pages in my wordpress header, but not the friendly way :(



    You want to make sure that the topic title (the post title of a forum entry) appears on the page (it is now), but also in the <title> tag of the page, for SEO?

    So this page:

    Should have some variation of this title:

    Forums de Webmarketing e Afiliados » WordPress – Programação




    Exactly chris :) There isn’t any title for those pages at this moment :(



    Paulo – I really think the best thing for you to do is to copy the header and footer design from your main blog to your bbpress design.

    This will stop problems like this. bbPress integrates with WordPress well from a member point of view, however the design aspect of it is still separate.

    It honestly shouldn’t take you longer than 30 minutes to copy the design over. Give me a buzz if you are unsure.



    Hi Kevin, the problem is my header and footer are running a lot of custom codes for grabbing my subscribers and twitter counters for example. This information is grabbed from WordPress plugins that connect on Feedburner and Twitter API’s. I have also the problem that the blog uses a 960 grid system for the layout. I’m really unsure how to move the header and footer to my bbpress folder without crashing everything :(



    Hi Paulo,

    This is one of the main issues with bbPress and WordPress. Here is a quick and dirty fix which should solve your specific issue:

    <?php if( function_exists('bb_title')) { bb_title(); } ?>

    Put this in your WordPress header theme next to the closing title tag like this:


    // WordPress code

    <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>

    <?php wp_title(); ?

    // but this line after the existing WordPress code

    <?php if( function_exists('bb_title')) { bb_title(); } ?>


    Realistically though, in the long term, duplicating the themes in bbpress and WordPress is the best way forward.



    On your WordPress pages there’s a popup delivered from “MaxBlogPress”, that is running an annoying little script that messes with browsers. It keeps moving further down the page, so that when you hit the bottom of the page it keeps making it longer and longer and longer etc. Apart from being annoying, it made it look like your site had been hacked. I hope thats not the case Bro, but if it is, you can go looking for it in your code.

    It doesn’t appear on the bbPress pages, only WordPress pages.



    Hi Kevin, i added your recomendation but there’s one small problem. Now, the bbpress is calling both titles: from the blog and from the forums as you can see here:

    How can i say that i want it to exclude the blog one?



    As long as you’re ok with me writing this without testing:


    <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>


    if( function_exists('bb_title'))



    } else {







    Kevin, can you adjust that code for mine?

    i’m using this one:


    <?php wp_title(‘«’, true, ‘right’); ?> <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>

    <?php if( function_exists(‘bb_title’)) { bb_title(); } ?>




    I tested, but it’s not working friend:

    I really need to remove that blog title on the forums so i can lauch it :(



    Kevin John – I wasn’t aware that you could use an if statement like that on wordpress. Good to know for future. :)



    Can anyone help me exclude the wp_title if there’s a function calling bb_title?





    if( function_exists(‘bb_title’))



    } else {

    wp_title(‘«’, true, ‘right’);



    <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>




    If i remove the <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>, things apparently are working well. There’s any problem by removing that?



    Paulo, all the code does is echo the name of the site. You can remove it.



    Thank’s a lot everyone. The forums are working really nice :)

    If anyone is interested in seeing it in action, here’s:

    Thanks a lot.

    Paulo F

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