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BBPress "Page not found" on 2nd level forums (compatibility with other plugin)

  • @patricia70



    This topic is posted on 2 places :

    – forum

    – community support forum

    While working on a site to be launched on the same day (= I had to have it working ;)

    I discovered something interesting

    BBpress second level forum (= with a parent forum/category) also in the permalink, will result in page not found.

    I searched for this issue and came across a few topics, where it was advised to reapply the permalinks, then save again the BBpress settings, where we set the slugs.

    I tried everything there and still the same issue, but it was clearly an issue with rewrite.

    So I begun to deactivate every other plugin I have and after every deactivation I tried if second level forums were loading. I thought specifically about security plugins such as Wordfence, Better WPSecurity, but nope.

    Finally, it was when ******I deactivated wpmudev’s Pro Sites plugin, that the second level forums were loading.*******

    I tried another forum plugin but really I will need BBPress (big amount of subforums necessary on this website)

    now I made some tests, and to make short :

    – if Pro Sites activated :

    -> 1st level forum will work

    -> 2nd level forum will not work

    – if Pro Sites is deactivated :

    -> 1st level forum will work

    -> 2nd level forum will work and can be reached with those 2 url



    (forums/forum beeing the slugs set in Forums settings page)

    is it normal we can reach with 2 different permalinks?

    ***** and as it changes automatically, is there a way to force (in BBPress code) a subforum permalink to stay 1st level even if in a sublevel? would be interesting also in the case a forum is moved to another category then it wouldn’t change url ***** (and at the same time it would solve/hide the issue with Pro Sites)

    so cleary this is a rewrite stuff that goes beyond my knowledge, for info my permalinks are set to the second option /2012/06/07/exemple-article/ and .htaccess present with necessary change in it

    I use also buddypress on that site but didn’t go until desactivate it as it worked when I deactivated Pro Site,

    the site I was working on has buddypress, but not the groups and forum elements checked, forum beeing BBpress anyway (I also tried to check/uncheck forums in buddypress settings, really not related to the issue)

    so I was thinking to install a testsite with only vanilla WP Multisite and buddypress, as I need all my tests done that way

    + for this issue : Pro Sites and BBPress

    so if there is anything you tell me to try, it will be done :)

    thank you very much in advance (anybody, eveybody :)

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  • @patricia70


    Hi again,

    that issue is solved as one of the WPMUdev staff developer solved the issue on their plugin, they added

    global $wp_query;

    to a function

    and replaced :


    with :


    in the same function

    (WPMUdev is going to release an update of the Pro Sites plugin I guess, for details, see this topic’s comment

    I come back here to inform about it, in case someone else encounter the same issue (I saw a lot of “page not found” issues while searching BBPress forums), then it would maybe help to see which kind of code made conflict?

    (I don’t know, I’m not a coder)

    of course I still do not understand purely on BBPress how is it possible to have 2 possible permalinks for 1 subforum

    either :

    or :

    both url work, and this is not standard I think, anyway…

    in any case, this issue is solved for me



    hi, i have the same issue, but i already try to deactivate all plugins and the problem is still there…

    this the plugins i use:
    additional information, i use these plugins:
    – akismet
    – easy WP smtp
    – simple local avatars
    – simple shortcodes (reccomendation fro the theme)
    – WP-members
    – WP-pagenavi (reccomendation from theme)

    any suggestion for me? i need help desperately…



    @josuawahyudi – you’re fixed now from your other post (just to save other helpers responding)

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