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bbPress Mods Wishlist

  • @auriel


    WordPress 3.9.1
    TwentyTen with some CSS modification
    bbPress 2.5.4

    This what my bbPress looks like now

    hcrd bbPress screen capture
    This is close to what I want my bbPress installation to look like I didn’t pull the line spaces together in the image.

    I may be completely wrong and these settings may all be controlled by the TwentyTen theme and WordPress. In either case I’ll do the work if somebody can just point me to the right information so I can learn.

    bbPress Wishlist

      Make the forum’s Search window persistent, available from within all forums.

      Move the Forum Title and the Search Window so they are parallel and within 20 pixels or less of main menu (white on black menu).

      Make the Categories’ and Forums’ names BOLD and make them 1.00 line or less apart from their descriptions which should NOT be bold.

      Instead of a specific pixel width can the area of the post to the BBS be calibrated in percent or at least be 640px or even better 800px width?

      Finally, why are my category and forum names duplicated?

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  • @robin-w


    bbpress has a number of templates which you can alter

    these are found in


    Start with


    this is the index page.

    you will see that it calls other templates


    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop', 'forums' ); ?>

    which calls loop-forums.php

    a look through and you should be able to work out what most of it is doing.

    If you want to alter any of these, make a new directory in the root of your theme and copy any of these template files to it (only the ones you want to alter)

    so for instance if you wanted to alter content-archive-forum.php you’d create a copy to get

    you can then alter these copies, and bbpress will use them instead

    They will also show you what css is being used, so that you can amend your style.css file with those that you want to change, or you can copy the whole bbpress style file viz

    at the finer level you may need to use something like firebug to work out how to say ‘bold’ the forums names to see what css each part is using, so that you can alter it.

    Firebug is downloaded to go with the Firefox browser. There are loads of firebug tutorials eg see



    Robin W,
    Thank you for the resources. I can work my way through the CSS and HTML4 and some 5 but I haven’t a clue how to program in PHP. Is there anyone that comes around regularly that would either donate the time for these couple of tweaks or let me pay them over time?

    I cloned TwentyTen and renamed it TwentyTen+ and then tweaked the CSS of the formatting to the limit of my understanding. I’m going to keep at that but I’m not going to have the programming kung fu needed to tweak the PHP that bbPress depends on for it’s formating.

    I found a way to have a search box that is persistent on every level of the bbPress forums. Now I have to get rid of the second search box that is at the top of the forums. I can’t find where that is in the code to remove it.

    Help please.




    yes there’s lots to learn, my css is probably at your php level !

    I found a way to have a search box that is persistent on every level of the bbPress forums. Now I have to get rid of the second search box that is at the top of the forums. I can’t find where that is in the code to remove it.

    You could try just turning off the forum search

    dashboard>settings>forums and look for allow forum wide search

    Is there anyone that comes around regularly that would either donate the time for these couple of tweaks or let me pay them over time?

    you can put an ad on wordpress jobs

    just post it as a project and detail what you want

    But I’d play with the css first, as I think much of what you want is stylable.

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