What version of bbPress and WordPress are you using, and where did you download bbPress Live (what version is that)?
Thank you for your quick reply
bbPress 1.0.2
WordPress 2.9.2 (Plan on upgrading this soon but have another plugin not working with 3.0 yet)
bbPress Live 0.1.2
I downloaded bbpress live from:
Thanks for that link as well (I am definitely going to look into that route), because I have been fighting with bbpress Live for a while now.
I am wondering if its a issue with XML-RPC, but that doesn’t really make sense because I have other applications using the XML-RPC fine, and they are both turned on in the admin sections.
Thanks again for your help
I think _ck_’s method, which does not require integration, seems pretty clean. You can get just the information you want without a lot of overhead.
The bbPress Live plugin by Sam, was released and last updated around bbPress1.0alpha3.
It appears to me that the plugin makes a wrong call (possibly a bbPress to BackPress issue – as there were major changes for bbpress1.0alpha6) because it returns an empty set. On top of that, it’s aimed for WordPress before WP2.7, which itself had a large number of under the hood changes.
I’d be surprised if this plugin was even close to being fit for purpose these days; and without a doubt the solution is to pull the information from the Database directly.
bbPress and WordPress are 2 stand-alone software solutions that can share the same database/logins. Leveraging this data without adding the overhead (and potential issues) of the other will make life easier in the long run 
(not to mention save 50+ SQL calls every time you load a bbpress page)
Reference for the performance hit kevinjohngallagher mentions:
I ended up using the custom php/sql.
Much easier should have done that from the start, would have saved a ton of time too.
Also, I will have to look into the performance… because I am using a 3rd party program that integrates into wordpress… then using bbpress to integrate into wordpress so all the users need to be created at the same time etc. If they log in one needs to login to all three.
I am using the bbPress Integration plugin right now, which may or may not be working I didn’t set this part up.
But thanks, the forum posts on the homepage is working perfectly now.
Can you post your code and a link to your site (post the code at pastie.org or equivalent, since it will be munged here)? There are probably many people who could benefit from your solution. Thanks
I was thiking of this on my way into the office today.
WordPress used to be able to load/parse RSS feeds and display them natively, using wp_rss(). Now that was deprecated a while ago, btu there is probably a similar function out there.
Should be quite easy to have WordPress pull in your forums’ RSS feed, just saving writing alot of SQL yourself.
If wp_rss no longer works, then maybe a plugin could be found to fit those needs at: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tags/rss