BBpress like/reply notification
I am struggling to implement a plugin / functionality to catch the likes and replies from a source user (giving the like/reply) and notify the destination user (the author of the post) in bbpress, the forum plugin from wordpress.
Are you aware of existing projects implementing this functionality in bbpress (even partially) ?
Which mechanisms / plugins are better to use to trigger actions in the frontend in this case? On the other hand, is it a better approach to put triggers on the database column?
I am more analyzing the database…it has good information, such as user id of the source user, post id. I am talking about the wp_posts table. However, the parent_post is the first post of the topic, so it is not the ierarhical parent post. I need somehow to identify the nested replies from the database, but I dont find the needed information there…
Thank you for your suggestions !
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