I have reinstalled bbpress in a new folder, outside the wordpress blog folder structure
the bbpress is integrated with the wordpress database, and uses the wordpress users
I have completed the installation, and I’m getting the first forum page, with the first forum, however I cannot log in (not with admin user, not with any other user). When clicking the “log in’ button, the page reloads and asks me to log in again
any ideas ?
What version of bbPress and WordPress did you integrate? There are cookie incompatibilities between some versions of bbPress and WordPress.
bbPress, WP 2.6.2, running on 2008 server
cookies may not work (due to the incompatibilities), but at least users can now log on just fine.
thanks for the link
Now I’m still faced with another problem : nobody can actually open a forum, post, profile or anything else,
(e.g. http://www.mysite.com/forum/forum.php?id=1)
then the page goes blank (browser looks like it’s trying to constantly reloading the page)
The admin panel works fine
This is a fresh install, integrated with WordPress, running in a separate folder (not as a subfolder of WP)
any ideas ?
or should I open an new post for this ?
The integration won’t work with those versions, as you know.
For the refresh thing, that’s what you posted about initially. Can you post the link to your forum?
Does any of this help?
yes – creating the autoload plugin apperently did the trick !!!
(I still need to test if all functionality works, but at least I can now see the posts
thank, this issue is resolved for now
I have been trying for ages to integrating bbpress forum to my website here Latest Universities News, i have added the forum but it is empty, how do i make it available for users/members to comment, start topics?
Still waiting for some expert to reply me. Or is this plugin abandon? Am planning to use it on the site listed above and on this one Cheap Laptops and Mobile Phone, where users can share their views on cheap bla bla, but everything is falling apart. Who is here?
Still waiting for some expert to reply me. Or is this plugin abandon? Am planning to use it on the site listed above and on this one Cheap Laptops and Mobile Phone, where users can share their views on cheap bla bla, but everything is falling apart. Who is here?
Still waiting for some expert to reply me. Or is this plugin abandon? Am planning to use it on the site listed above and on this one Cheap Laptops and Mobile Phone, where users can share their views on cheap bla bla, but everything is falling apart. Who is here?