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Bbpress and page full width with theme Twenty Seventeen

  • @phil49



    I’ve been reading many posts on this forum and tried out many proposed solutions but to no avail up to now 🙁

    I first started with the copy of an unmodified and renamed in “bbpress.php” “page.php” file at the root of my theme folder, then with another one with a slight modification of the code substituting the class “content-area”with “content-area-wide”, I then tried another method creating a subfolder in my theme and copying the above mentioned file as well as a modified “style.css” file.
    The code was simply :
    .content-area-wide {
    float: left; margin-right: -100%; width: 100%}

    url (“../twentyseventeen/style.css”);

    Unless the code is not correct or the path or it’s syntax either, of course it didn’t work either.

    Surprisingly, the page listing all the forums is using almost the full width, and looks exactly what I’m looking for anyway but as son as I get in one of the forums they are displayed as if on one column way and aligned on the left.
    Same thing for the abovementioned page if I go back to it unless I refresh it…
    I should point out that I don’t use or have any sidebar for these pages and I’m not concerned by this kind of problem like many other people!
    As I’m not a master of the code, could anybody help me and describe each step to solve this frustrating issue so that I can follow each step and not guess intermediate steps considered as obvious are easy by the most learned guys !?

    Thanks so much for our site subscribers



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  • @robin-w


    sorry, I’ve taken a further look and I cannot work out why it is not working



    further thought – have you tried deleting the bbpress.php – it is only needed if the page.php isn’t doing what you want



    ok, try this css.

    .page-one-column .panel-content .wrap {
    max-width: 1500px;

    .wrap {
    max-width: 1500px;

    it should make your entire site ‘full width’ and the you can cahneg it to be as wide as you want by changing the 1500 number.



    Hello Robin,

    Alleluia !

    It works !!!!!!

    Honestly, I was really skeptical, but it’s a miracle !

    Don’t know where your flash of genius is coming from but what matters is that I no longer have to look desperately for a substitute theme !

    I’ve tried many of them but each time there’s something wrong, or a plugin that doesn’t work !

    Curiously, though, the CSS works on my “Frontpage.php” (used by the homepage), “Index.php” (used by the blog), but the “Page.php” template used by the forum and some other sections is behaving weirdly, I mean it seems to be applied on it, but I don’t know if this is just a feeling or because I Used a Tablepress table for some, but it looks as if it doesn’t seem to be 100% the width set on the CSS !

    But it’s not important, now the forum can be precisely set and this is what matters most !
    The width for the other pages suits me fine anyway !

    Oh, by the way, it works even without having to use a child theme, it’s the original Twenty Seventeen that I’m currently using !

    Thanks so much again for all your efforts and this solution Robin, I thought it would have been worked out long after I would have given up!





    great – glad you are almost working.

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