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bbPress and FEuser

  • mjbrady83


    I must admit I’m a newbie to WordPress and php in general. I have a wordpress/woocommerce site I’m building, and it is membership controlled. I’m using the FEuser plugin to control membership. It has a lot of features we wanted, such as email confirmation, and admin approval. Plus it keeps members separate from the wordpress user database, as we don’t want to give customers access to the dashbboard. We recently decided to add a forum to the site, and I’m having a problem getting bbPress to use the membership data from FEuser, instead of the wordpress user database. I don’t even know where to look to change this. I know the fields in the database I want it to use, but I don’t know what file, or where, I have to modify to point bbPress at that instead of at the normal wordpress fields. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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  • Robin W


    hmmm – this could be quite a lot of work.

    What membership data do you want the forums to display? Can you list?

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