Where are you downloading BuddyPress 2.2 Alpha from? bbPress and BuddyPress share (mostly) the same setup for development.
If it is from https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/developers/ via the Development Version .zip link https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/buddypress.zip then bbPress is the same structure via https://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress/developers/ and the Development Version .zip link https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/bbpress.zip
To get the “full” bleeding edge alpha’s requires quite a bit more setup at your end as bbPress and BuddyPress have recently switched to using a new build process and these are not designed to be run on a live website, only for local development on your local computer, I can point you to the docs for this if that is what you are after though 🙂
Awesome topic tags btw 😉
sorry I have had a few wines now but very sure its been taken down since I grabbed it form the usual place:
![BP 2.2-a](//i1.wp.com/s29.postimg.org/hid6xh96v/Capture.png)
I have WordPress on the bleeding edge setup for the alpha’s.. it seems to update every few hours.
Yes I know it shouldn’t be used on a truly live setup but have a new domain to use for it if I decide I like the combo as it’s a bit different to my normal choice of IPB and I have had quite a lot of fun fending off bots and other attacks. While at the same time promoting some future events which will make friends some money and get me free entry, while learning a new script at the same time.
I can easily rebuild it in an hour or so if it goes wrong and do the obvious backups.
I was just curious TBH. When I was younger I used to play around defacing such sites for jokes but a lot older now and don’t do such things. I have an odd obsession with having things before I should and helping fix/report if and when I can.
Thanks for the zipped link. And yes please do point me to the docs. I rarely use localhost though unless installing things that act up with newer PHP/MySQL versions, just a bit of fun really. I’m getting a lot of bot attacks but I’m quite cheeky when posting on other blogs to temp them TBH. I always considered WP a weak script but it’s improved a lot since maybe v2.x.x when I last tried it. I just like PHP and building things. Not so great with GFX.
Thanks again for the zip. If you comment tomorrow when I’m not drunk I will post the 2.2-a zip I have if you have not found it already. If the site continues to attract international traffic I will use stable versions on the new domain and protect it properly.
Just testing, google and other search engines seem to love the script after few mods. Though I have done quite a bit of SEO work mainly to try and stress it ha ha 🙂
I started with 4.0-beta-1 I think then just continued to see what I could make/break/fix 🙂
The site is here if you want a look and seems to be running quit well, WordFence is a bit buggy I find though while auto updates are on, causing cache issues at times but nothing that can’t be fixed. Nice to meet you.