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bbpress 2.6-beta-2 breaks login

  • @zhekaus


    Since I’ve installed some plugins, bbpress 2.6 beta 2 doesn’t allow me to login to wordpress admin console. After entering login and password nothing happens.
    However, if I move bbpress folder from plugins I can login again. If I move it back or reinstall – can’t login to wordpress again.

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  • @netweb


    Hmmm…. It works here locally for me, I suspect you have a plugin or theme conflict…

    Instead of renaming or moving the bbpress folder can you try disabling all your other plugins and see if you can login please?

    IF you can then login start enabling each plugin one at a time, log out and then login again, this should then give you the plugin name that is causing the conflict. We can then add that plugin to our own install and try and replicate the issue, once we can replicate it we can work on finding the cause to then be able to fix the issue…

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