this is because 2.6 has changed some wording and context, and the new translations have not been made yet
to fix the above either use this
add_filter( 'gettext', 'rew_bbpress_translate', 20 , 3 );
add_filter( 'ngettext', 'rew_bbpress_translate' , 20 , 3 );
function rew_bbpress_translate( $translated, $text, $domain ) {
if ($domain == 'bbpress') {
$words = array(
'%s day' => '%s jour',
'%s days' => '%s jours',
'Last Post' => 'Dernier message',
$translated = str_replace( array_keys($words), $words, $translated );
return $translated;
Put this in your child theme’s function file – or use
Code Snippets
or use the translations tab in my style pack plugin
bbp style pack
Thank you Robin !
I saw your translation tab today and was thinking to giving it a try (thank you for the plugin by the way 👍).
Edit : I tried it like this, but it doesn’t solve the issue :

Is there anything else to do than translating it here and saving that settings ?
it needs to be
%s day and %s jour
The % is then replaced in live
I couldn’t make it work with dates… Anyway, translation should arrive soon, right ?
I’ve looked further at the code, and yes my translation won’t work for time.
I am just a bbpress user who helps out on this forum, so I cannot say when the devs will complete the translations.
Ok, thank you for your help 👍
ok, in 4.3.6 freshness tab, I have added translations
Yeah ! It works 👍
Thank you ! You rock !
great – glad you are fixed
Translation of bbPress 2.6.x is being updated. Hopefully by next weekend all is done.
Great ! Thank you for the information
I note that problem too. Thanks for the information.
@casiepa, is your bbp Toolkit still useful?
@maksansem @BenM :
Success: Language pack for fr_FR generated for version 2.6.2.
For bbPress Toolkit, well more stuff is now inside 2.6 so I would need to check what is still really needed.
After last main update I still have problems with translations: some words in italian, and some words in english.
How can I solve the issue? Or do I have just to wait for an update again?
Same problem here. I have the right translation in my .mo-files, but still the english translation is shown in the freshness part for year, month, day, hour…
Any suggestions?
@robin-w I can translate it with your style plugin, but it is way to big to install for just translating these few words…
How can I translate the words : profil, login, register, log out, …?
Thank you for your help.
Put this in your child theme’s function file – or use
Code Snippets
add_filter( 'gettext', 'rew_bbpress_translate', 20 , 3 );
add_filter( 'ngettext', 'rew_bbpress_translate' , 20 , 3 );
function rew_bbpress_translate( $translated, $text, $domain ) {
if ($domain == 'bbpress') {
$words = array(
'%s day' => '%s jour',
'%s days' => '%s jours',
'Last Post' => 'Dernier message',
$translated = str_replace( array_keys($words), $words, $translated );
return $translated;