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bbPress 2.4 // ERROR // Search stopped working…

  • @leanderbraunschweig


    Hi there!

    Just yesterday I went ahead and updated our bbPress to 2.4 and missed out on validating the search functionality – which actually broke!

    Right now I get a 404 when using the search functionality. It somehow cannot handle the new pretty URLs introduced with 2.4.

    Instead of

    I get

    I already tried:

    – Disabling affiliated bbPress-plugins (got one German string replacement active)
    – Saving the Permalinks again
    – Checking .htaccess for any possible Rewrite-Rules which might conflict

    None of those worked.

    Any hints on how to tackle the error? It obviously was introduced with 2.4 and I couldn’t even say where to look first after checking up upon the obvious…

    I got a bbpress.php in place at /wp-content/themes/my-theme/ in order to wrap bbPress in style but even there I double checked the code and essentially there is nothing possibly conflicting (at least from what I see).

    Looking forward to you guys helping out.
    Thanks & Regards!

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  • @leanderbraunschweig



    WP 3.6
    bbPress 2.4
    Theme “Optimize Press”
    URL –> Behind a paywall (membership site), so posting it won’t help…



    Can you try hitting your permalinks page, and saving them. Could be a rogue rule conflicting somewhere. bbPress flushes these on update, but it’s possible something blocked it.



    Already did (re-)save the permalinks settings (see original post). Did it again right now just to make sure & still the same problem…

    What to do? Which file / script / logic could be responsible?

    When issuing a search-query, this is the “real” URL, which gets called first (before rewriting):
    /search?action=bbp-search-request&bbp_search=my-query << No problems here, right?

    FYI: I deactivated all the other plugins – no effect, the error persists.



    +1 had the same problem on WP 3.6.1; BP 2.4; Better WP Security 3.5.6

    after playing with the permalinks as suggested, I’ve found a workaround. I was using the numeric setting on permalinks. I’ve tried with others options, and search worked. I noticed that all others permalinks ended with a /. I selected custom structure field and included a / in the end of the numeric link: /archives/%post_id%/

    bbpress is now working again for me. hope it helps others…




    OH MY GOD. That’s it! 😀
    -> The trailing “/” did it for me as well!

    Who wants to submit the bug report? I’ll do so tomorrow if no one else bothers before…

    Thanks a bunch pm2t.



    good to know it worked.

    applying the trailing “/” had one side effect for me: I’ve lost the like count on the facebook share button for my posts, since the links have changed. minor issue for me, since my site is just starting…




    I don’t like the “/” either, just for aesthetical reasons. Will revert once this has been resolved with an update.

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