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bbPress 2.1 -Can't do anything except for posting a topic & reply in group forum

  • @sniperkitten


    I’m using bbPress 2.1 on my of buddypress powered sandbox & enable the new “group forum” feature that comes with 2.1.

    Everything works perfectly except for one thing: I’m only able to post topic & reply in the group forum. When I tried to edit, split, close, stick, merge, trash, spam a topic / reply in the group forum, it don’t work and like if nothing is happen.

    If you want to take a look, please go to and login using the following info:

    Try posting a topic or a reply in the forum of one of the test group and try to edit it. You’ll know what I’m mean.

    Do anyone here is having the same problem?

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by John James Jacoby. Reason: Posting login information is a bad idea
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  • @kraigg


    I’m having the exact same problem, although the links for ‘trash’ and ‘spam’ work. Not being able to edit is a major problem.

    I removed all plugins, except for bbPress 2.1 and Buddypress 1.5.6, and editing a topic/reply still doesn’t work.

    Editing with just bbPress 2.1 installed works, but once paired up with Buddypress doesn’t work.



    Topic edited to remove login info.

    Sounds like a bug; create a trac ticket. 🙂



    Thanks John 🙂 I just created a new trac ticket #1906 for this bug



    Anything new about this?

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