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bbPress 2.02 white screen of death

  • @charley777


    First of all very sorry if the answer to this has been posted already. I’ve been searching hard, honestly.

    I’m no programmer and just flying by the seat of my pants with this bbPress plugin.

    I initially installed the bbPress 2.02 plugin without a problem. I wanted to import my small forum from the stand alone (1.something). I started according to instructions but while de-activating present plugins I got the “white_screen”.

    Obviously a plugin problem I renamed the plugins folder, made a new one, and figured I would re-install compatible plug-ins.

    When trying to re-install bbPress and Akismet (most noteably) I still get the dreaded white screen when activating. Essentially there are several plugins, including bbPress, that I cannot seem to use anymore that certainly should be compatible.

    I was using the bbp-twentyten theme at the time of the first white-screen when de-activating plugins. Not being able to activate bbpress 2.02 doesn’t bring in bbp-twentyten as an option anymore either.

    Sorry I’m not being more specific but I’m really no programmer. I would hire one if I could afford it.

    Any help is MOST appreciated. Thank you!

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