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bbPress 0.8.2

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  • @citizenkeith


    No README or INSTALL files?

    I’ve read the blog post and any pertinent thread, but I was hoping for some install/upgrade instructions, like WordPress supplies.



    “Slug” based permalinks is really nice. But, if we change the subject of the topic, the slug is not changeable now.

    citizenkeit, have you looked the documentation in



    karaboga, permalinks should be permanent. Perhaps we can work on redirecting old permalinks to the new ones. Better yet, that’d be a great plugin :)



    I think that instead of “Fourth, sit back and relax; you’re done!”, you also need to go to bb-admin and click the upgrade link. But then you’re done.



    – Fantasy mode on –

    How about an “upgrade me” button in the admin area?

    This button is only clickable when there is an upgrade. Clicking it will upgrade you bbpress (downloading and installing the nessecairy files) :)

    – Fantasy mode off –



    I’m getting this error message

    You must specify a table prefix in your config.php file

    This is using the same Config.php file I used for 0.8.1, the enty in the config.php is

    $bb_table_prefix = ”; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    (I don’t use table prefixes)


    OK the workaround – use PHPmyadmin to rename all the tables with a prefix (I used the default bb_) and then update the config.php file.



    peter-b, there are a number of things that depend on the table prefix being non-empty.

    The best solution would be to use a table prefix and rename all your tables.



    Think our posts crossed! Solution implemented but thank you!



    karaboga, permalinks should be permanent. Perhaps we can work on redirecting old permalinks to the new ones. Better yet, that’d be a great plugin :)

    mdawaffe, do you mean that “after upgrading and changing the permalink structure of a forum; the old permalinks does not redirect to the new one” ? In this forum, for example we if write

    it is redirected to the 100th topic with the new permalink structure.

    Yes, permalinks should be permanent. But, in WordPress we can change the post slug, and then the permalink of the post is changed. Why cannot we do so in bbPress? :)



    Fantastic – thank you very much!



    do you mean that “after upgrading and changing the permalink structure of a forum; the old permalinks does not redirect to the new one” ?

    No, I just meant that with the current code, if you’ve somehow managed to change the slug, you’ve broken the old links. But, as you point out, bbPress knows how to move “sideways” across different kinds of permalinks.

    WordPress allows you to change the slug and automatically redirects your old links to the new slug; it’s more clever than bbPress is at the moment :)



    Thanks for your explanations, i hope bbPress will be as clever as WordPress. :)

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