this <div id=”bbpress-forums”> is used in several places – if you can describe where you want to add, I can probably find the right hook for you.
Most of the hooks are in the templates, located in
the main forum uses
which has an action hook of
‘bbp_template_after_forums_index’ so if it just the main forum list then
add_action( 'bbp_template_after_forums_index' ,'after_content_hook');
would work
I want to add a hook after this div (<div id=”bbpress-forums”>) in the index and archive pages.
in index, then
add_action( 'bbp_template_before_forums_index' ,'after_content_hook');
I know abut that one, I don’t want to add a hook inside the bbpress-forums div, I want to add a hook outside of the bbpress-forums div.
<div id=”bbpress-forums”>
<!– my hook here –>
which is back to my earlier post
add_action( 'bbp_template_after_forums_index' ,'after_content_hook');
There is </div> after this, but if you start you code with a close div and open a fresh one, then the one at the start of this sentence will then close yours
it still adds the hook inside the bbpress-forums div
is that supposed to happen?
can you post your code please
I got it, thanks for the help.