I just found out that there is a difference with the posts that people can see and the ones they cant: 
In the image you see that in the mens group there are 3 topics but no posts. These are the ones that nobody can access. Further down in collective emergence there are 4 topics and 4 posts. And these posts are accessible now.
BUT in the beginning I had the same issue with the posts in collective emergence.. I dont know what happened that suddenly they became visible again.
Now I found out that all of this happened after I deleted all the topics I had, as they were only for testing purposes.
When I turned the forums from private to public and then to private again, I noticed that the forum started to work normal again. I did a test post in every category and then deleted the test topics again, and this is when I noticed that the deleting of the topics must have caused the probelm.
Does this make sense to anyone??? I am concerned that although it is working now that this might happen again.
I am author of the bbp private groups plugin.
If you can create a set of repeatable steps to create the issue, then I will happily take a look, but I can’t really trouble shoot a site that is working
Yes that makes sense.
Maybe to start with what I see now is that I have 2 groups set as Core Men and Core women. I set the forums to private. Now while testing I see that the core men can see the core women forum (although not be able to access it) but the core women dont see the core men forum (which is what I want)
Before, both the core men and core women forum where set to hidden forums. Then I experienced the troubles I was explaining in the posts above and tried to set the core men forum to private. The core women forum was still hidden but suddenly it was visible for the core men.
One of my test users couldnt see the forums at all even though he had the right role assigned. then I deleted him and recreated the account – assigned the roles again that where needed (this time in a different order) and then it worked BUT additionally he sees now the core women forum.
I hope it makes sense, it is not easy to explain. But it seems like there are a lot of things going wrong suddenly and I dont know why.
I wasnt even sure anymore if the plugin is the problem from what I posted initially, as I realised that through deleting the topics the issue was repeated…
Thank you
And to recreate the problem before:
I used the forum repair tool as I could still see the activity of already deleted posts. That made that the problem reoccurred again…

I have a post in a topic, that I actually created, but when I want to open it I get this:

The post also disappeared from the latest activity widget.
Then if I click on collective emergence forum it looks like as if there was no topic existing:

I hope this is what you meant by recreating the problem…Otherwise please tell me again what you need. Thanks!
Hi @robin-w,
I dont know if it was too complicated what I wrote above. I would really appreciate some help.
To make it short I found out that every time I delete topics on bulk in the back end, I cannot post in the front end anymore in the forums that are set to private and have a private group in them.
The same happens if I use the repair tools in the back end.
When I then try to post something, instead of seeing my post I see a page called page cannot be found
. In the forum index I see that a post has been posted, but neither the author nor anybody else can access it. It also disappears from the activity widget.
Only if I go to the forum page in which the topic was posted and set the forum attributes from either open to closed and back to open or from private to public and then back to private, I can see my post again(and the post of others) and it also shows again in the activity widget.
Please let me know what I can do with this also what you mean by create a set of repeatable steps to create the issue.
I cannot manually delete post by post from the frontend when the forum is fully running.
Thank you!
sorry – on holiday at the moment
can you contact me via
Contact me
and send me the settings in
dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>plugin information
I then take a look on my return, but may be a couple of weeks – sorry best I can do
just as a test, can you confirm that it is just a bulk edit in the backend that is the problem.
so can you try deleting just one topic on the backend and see if that creates the problem or is ok – that will help me find where the issue is
Hi @robin-w,
Now that you have fixed the bulk edit problem in the forums. I can delete all the topics in the backend, without losing the ability to post and see my posts in the front end! So it seems for now 🙂 I still first had to set all the forums in their attributes from private to public and back to private, as I needed to do previously. But then after I did that and created topics and deleted them again in the back end the forum stayed functional.
The only thing that is strange is, that when all the topics are deleted. I still see the last activtity refresh in the forum heading, as well as the topics and the post count. Only when I post a new topic all the old topic and post counts disappear, and go back to zero. But the freshness of the old posts remains no matter what I do.
Do you have any idea?
And does it make sense that the first problem seems to be fixed now with what you have done?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Robin,
I was just testing the forum again to see if it still works. In the beginning it did. I could post in all the forums and after 2-3 posts also the freshness/latest activity returned to “no topics”. Then after I posted around 15 test topics in all the different forums with different test users. It suddenly stopped working again. The latest activity widget didnt show any info anymore and all the topics I had written and were accessible for other members just a minute ago where not anymore…
hmm… Not sure how much help I can be, you seem to have intermittent problems.
How often do you plan to need to do back end deletions – seems the obvious answer is not to do them 🙂
Yes I will not do often back end deletions 🙂 but the problem is that even if I dont the forum stops working suddenly… That is what happened. In one moment I couldnt access the posts anymore, that I have written or other people, but just minutes before I could.
So the forum is not usable like that! What do I do in such a case? Do I need to abandon bbpress? Do I need to start from scratch and uninstall bbp and reinstall again?
Would a manual wordpress update help?