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  • @theopt



    I’ve imported my forum from vbulletin, althou he copied everything the users didnt got connected and they are named imported_something. the page /author returns 404 not found.

    The avatar on my website was being used by vbulletin now we have no avatars? how to add them? the profile page that comes with wordpress doesnt have an option for that.

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  • @netweb


    You will need to add a plugin that supports bbPress user avatars like BuddyPress

    Have a look for a plugin



    what about the /author bug?



    You will find your user profiles at the following URL (Swap for your domain)

    Also any username prefixed with imported_ eg. imported_username is because the user name username was already taken in WordPress. If both imported_username and username users are the same user go to the WordPress dashboards ‘User Panel’ and when you select the imported_username to be deleted you will be prompted to attribute all existing posts, topics, replies etc to another user, select the user username and now all posts, topics, replies etc will be under the single user username.



    I have to do that for 400+ users? 😐 I guess Im not leaving vbulletin after all :\



    This issue typically comes up when people are testing the import to bbPress. If you import the users and forums, topics, replies etc then reset bbPress only the forums, topics, topic tags and replies are deleted. bbPress does not delete the imported users as the user account may have additional WordPress roles (eg. Author) and has blog posts or comments on blog posts etc and we don’t want bbPress deleting content that isn’t its own.

    Ideally you would have a test site for WordPress & bbPress to test the importer and once you are happy with everything get bbPress installed on your primary WordPress site, disable your existing forums and import into bbPress ‘all the things’ and be up and running from then on with bbPress.



    I see… why does some users get correcly and others show anonymous?



    You shouldn’t have any as ‘anonymous’ unless for some reason the importer couldn’t convert a user for some reason, maybe because no email address with their old forum profile. This really shouldn’t be happening and if it is we need to have a look as to why this is happening and fix it.

    I also presume you ran the repair tools after importing?



    The useres were being created through forum so all users on WP were on forums with the same information, I was using VBSSO. Some users are fine others says anonymous.

    Yes I did repair right after the installation.

    Edit: The anonymous users are the ones that were admins on forum previously. does it make sence? 😡



    As I’ve spent the day playing with passwords, did any users have any issues with users logging into WordPress after the import? Did their existing vBulletin passwords work?



    I’d also appreciate a comment on this ticket in Trac for any password issues you found.

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