thanks for your question.
Can I ask why? Sorry I’m not questioning that you wish to do this, but just to understand what you want to be different. You could for instance just create a forum called ‘archive’ and move the topics to there, which would leave them searchable but not in your presumably ‘main’ forum.
Thanks for getting back to me Robin.
The reason is that on the website i’m working on there are a LOT of old topics. And I would like to do some cleaning – but the topics should still be available if needed. Therefore also searchable.
Is it easy to just move them to an archive? And how so?
Looking forward to hear from you again 🙂
just looked – not as easy as I thought !!
so in dashboard>topics>all topics
you can edit a topic and move it to a dufferent forum (say called ‘archive’), but this is a one at a time job.
Do you have a selection criteria – eg all older than x?
Yes. Older than a year 🙂
ok, so if you are happy to move them to a different forum, then contact me via
Contact me
and I’ll give you some code