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Appearing as Anonymous even when logged in

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  • @dcrabill


    Wow, this is crazy, I am having the same problem on a good deal of the topics on here. I was not able to reply to this thread and started creating another, but in trying to find a pattern I clicked on this and many other topics. Randomly, after many times, I clicked on this and I’m not anonymous now! I think this is temporary though, so I’m replying while I still can.

    I have no idea why, but I did notice that in most forums, it was only the two sticky topics and the most recent topic that had the issue. Actually one of the sticky topics randomly started working, but then I clicked around to other topics and now both aren’t working again. Most of the topics under 2 days old in “Installation” aren’t working.

    The weirdest thing is that there doesn’t appear to be consistency. Maybe it has to do with other users and their activity at a particular time?



    Same happens to me – I just hover over the anonymous, then select log in and log in again. It then tells me that I’m already logged in, but then lets me post.

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