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Another bbPress WordPress question

  • @tdh11


    Would anybody know how to display parts of bbpress in wordpress? My wordpress category pages are the same as my bbpress forums. Would it be possible to include latest 10 posts from bbpress forum ‘apple ipod’ on an apple ipod category page in wordpress?


    Further thought, possibly the other way around? Display wordpress posts from ‘apple ipod’ category above the bbpress forum ‘apple ipod’?

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  • @chrishajer


    Read this:

    The plugins that used to allow this, bbPress Live (for newer bbPress) and bbSync (for older bbPress) are both broken, I believe.

    You can also parse the RSS feed, going either way, but that’s a lot of work to do what you want.



    You can use the bbPress-Wordpress Syncronization plugin for this, found at We are currently running bbPress 1.0.2 and WordPress 2.8.5 and have no issues.



    Thanks hatter for posting that. I hadn’t heard about that plugin before.



    Hey Guys, these both look interesting solutions but is there a way for a relative non techie like me to achieve the following.

    I am using the thesis theme on wp 2.8.4.

    I have just successfully (and I surprised myself in that it only took me 30mins) installed bbpress and followed all the bbpress integration options using bbpress integration plugin for wordpress.

    The challenge for me is I expected that this would lead me to have bbpress *inside* wp or atleast to be able to display the forum in a wp page.

    The integration has been successful (i.e. the bbpress install is reading the users from my wp install) but it is not quite what I thought what i was expecting.

    How can I achieve my goal of having the forum be (or atleast appear) to be inside wp?

    The main reason for this is that I am using wp as a membership site and I want the forum inside the membership site.

    Thanks, in advance,




    there are a LOT of threads about this on the forum already. so much so that it’s becoming hard to find threads about anything else ;)

    search the site (i recommend the ‘search google’ option) for ‘integration’ or ‘wordpress’.

    what you want is possible but not without a considerable amount of time and some intricate theme modification.

    you can see my wordpress(MU) + bbpress + buddypress install here:

    the forum is actually entirely separate, apart from the wp_users table. what you are seeing is a shared header graphic and cloned stylesheet. that is probably what you need to do.



    ajsilvers – you might be better off with a WordPress forum plugin to achieve what you want.



    @circuit: i’ve looked at your website, and im genuinely impressed. the latest forum posts on the right hand side are visable on your wordpress pages. Was this achieved by calling bbpress header after wp header? Im wondering if this is an option as I have read some now about it being doable. It seems the code you have included brings in the latest posts in your forum, correct? My aim is to bring in latest posts in a specific forum on my catagory pages, with each forum included different dependent on catagory.

    Does anyone know if what Im trying to do is possible with this software? Im going to be trying to do this with the header method for the next few days, so anyone who has some info on the subject would be a god send. I have a few threads from this forum that I’ve got saved, but they are very dated.



    “the latest forum posts on the right hand side are visable on your wordpress pages. Was this achieved by calling bbpress header after wp header?”

    no, it’s a plugin called bbpress latest discussions.

    i dislike unhelpful meanies who hang around on techy forums, and i don’t mean to be one of them, but you honestly need to search the forum (and google) because the answers are out there! if you don’t do the research you’re going to waste time on things that have been done for you already.

    just migrating my wordpress+bbpress install to MU+buddypress+bbpress took me around 30 hours. that’s not including the initial setup of wordpress+bbpress, or the re-theming of template files to acommodate the upgrade. most of that 30 hours was spent searching google for plugins and hacks and reading around.

    thanks for the compliments on my site. believe me, i am not a coder, i am just persistent!



    I have a tutorial for that coming online on my series WP as CMS on my blog –

    I will be demonstarting how to do it without deep integration. You might want to check that out if you are comfortable with code and love to do it yourself ;)

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