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Allow Forum Moderators to delete users

  • @a7xfanben


    I will need to spend long periods of time away from my site and bbpress forum, and want the Moderators to have the ability to delete users that are clearly just there to spam. I want them to have more than blocking capability and the ability to delete posts and topics.

    I have not found much on this topic through searching. I am willing to implement some specific code. If there is something I can edit with Buddypress to allow this, please let me know. However, I don’t want to make the moderators Keymasters – I only want them to have authority over the forums and who uses them.

    I would rather use code than a plugin. Not sure if it is simple as adding a line to the bbpress moderator capabilities that allows them to essentially ban Buddypress users.

    WordPress version: 5.2.3 (Vantage theme)
    bbPress version: 2.5.14

    Thank you!

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  • @robin-w


    editing users is a wordpress rather than bbpress function

    It may well be possible, but the easier way would be to use a wordpress role to do this.

    This link will give you code to make the ‘editor’ role able to do user stuff, and you may want to hide admins as per their suggestions

    Let Editor Manage Users in WordPress

    so you would just set your moderators to be editor as well as moderator



    by the way, the first bit of code saves the changes to the database, so just removing the code does not remove the capability.

    to undo this, you would need to re-run the first function, but with all the add_cap changed to 'remove_cap'



    That worked beautifully, thanks a lot!



    great !

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