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Adding "reply" and "new topic" buttons to my forum

  • @oaeerra


    Hi, i’m using BBPress 2.0 with BuddyPress 1.5 which were installed seperately and aren’t integrated through BP.

    My BBPress forum is great, however after moving from SMF many members have asked for a “New Topic” button and a “Reply” button in the forums. They can reply or start new topics with the form at the bottom of the page, but for usability i’d like to make their transition a bit easier.

    Is it possible to add a reply button to each post – one which quotes the post made?

    Also, a reply button at the top/bottom of the thread which takes the user to a page with the posting form would be great.

    Also is it possible to have a “New topic” button on the forum index?

    Lastly, what files would I edit to make these changes?

    Thanks in advance :)

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  • @oaeerra


    I found a plugin for “quote” links under posts, but if anyone knows how to add a “New Topic” and “reply” to the top/bottom of the thread page it would be much appreciated :)



    Sorry to bump this but anyone know how to add New topic/reply buttons?



    jus’ add a link to where you need and make the url to the div of the new topic/reply form. I used this one for myself to new topic in the forum page:

    <?php if(bb_get_forum_is_category() != bb_is_user_logged_in()) { echo "— <a href='#post-form' class='jAdd'>Add new »</a>"; } ?>

    The a class is for a jQuery thing I used, you don’t need that.



    That’s perfect 7i7GRiFFiN i’ll play with this later, thanks!

    I assume that takes them to the post form area on the forum page itself?

    I could do that with a ‘Reply’ button on each post too.

    Much thanks :)



    Yep, but something else you can use if you want that play like Twitter to reply game (Got my mean? Like @OAEErra) on topics you can use this: Easy Mentions

    Note: The code I gave you is for StandAlone vr. not the bbPlugin



    Bit lost – where in the template should I add this bit of code?

    Much thanks :)

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