That’s what the purpose of code is, to show code the way you type it in.
actually I need to show the hyperlink code like a href=”….”
so the members can see what they must put on it
You need to enclose your post in backticks. On my keyboard, that’s the unshifted key to the left of the number 1, upper left corner of the keyboard. When you use a backtick `, the code looks like code:
<a href="" title="use backticks to show code">Google</a>
I don’t know what’s wrong, when I use backtick between code, the code disappear
, when I use only one backtick in front or after the code, only word “Google” appear (I’m trying your with example code Chrishajer)
is there any options to allow html on post ?
finally, the backticks work after I deactived the Allow Images plugin .. so I can’t use that plugin for it purpose then
ps : thank you Chrishajer and Geekgirl89
I have the allow images plugin as well, and I can post code just fine. I am using an older version though, maybe yours is newer.