It’s both. bbPress is setup to automagically create the /forums page out of thin air. If you’d like to add some other text to this page, you may do that as well. If you do create an actual forums page, as it seems you have, all that’s needed is to add the forums shortcode where ever you’d like the forum index to appear. In this case, just add [bbp-forum-index]
. There are a number of other shortcodes that can be used for similar purposes that can be found here
thanks but it does in fact kill the page if I add text above the shortcode. My theme is Divi and I’m on the latest WP and all. Pretty generic actually.
So are you saying that the page works with the shortcode only and with text only, but the two combined fail?
What plugins are you running? Sounds like something else (plugin/theme) may be incorrectly filtering the content and or shortcodes and is causing a conflict.