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Add New Topic link missing from installation!

  • @notprathap


    I recently installed bbpress by extending buddypress 1.1 with wordpress mu 2.8.4. While everything is ok on the buddypress end, the forum does not have a “Add New Topic” link displayed…. I tried adding topics and posts through the database too, but same result! :( You can find the link to the forum here – I’d appreciate any help from you guys.

    Note: The forum under the “Groups” category seems to work fine – not sure if this has got anything to do with the problem am facing.

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  • @t_shea


    I’m having the same problem. I just installed and after adding my first topic, there are no links or buttons to create more topics.



    Two years and no solution, here or in any other link I could find on Google where this serious problem is mention. Lovely. Thanks!



    I know this is an old topic, but here is my recent solution to this problem. You can see it live here.

    First install Collapse-O-Matic plugin.

    Then create a new page/post. And add the code below & save. I hope this helps.

    [expand title=”Add New Topic”][bbp-topic-form][/expand]



    Hey guys,

    When you’re editing a forum, on the right side you will see a drop-box for “Forum Attributes”. There are two options, Forum or Category.

    You want to select Forum to allow new topic to be added. If you set this to category it’s just a place to hold other forums.

    Experiment with it and see how it works.

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