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add a link

  • Hi Guys,

    This is prob a very simple thing to do, but after hours of scouring the forums I still can’t find the solution. I have bbpress installed with wordpress, I’ve done all the back-end integration, I know that front-end integration is possible but I’ll leave that for another day. So how do you go about creating a hyper-link on bbpress that will redirect users back to my wordpress blog ? All I need is just a simple link-type button.



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  • chrishajer


    Just put what ever sort of link you want (button, image, text link) in whatever page template you want the link to appear in. Just edit the proper template (maybe header.php) and put something like this in it where you want the link to appear (maybe near the login form around line 36 in the release):

    <a href="" title="return to blog">Return to Blog</a>

    Thanks a million Chris! All that was needed was some extremely simple html as you have pointed. :)

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