Dawn, that looks really nice. Nice job.
Great work!
I will make one important suggestion however.
There is too little contrast between the background colours and foreground text colours.
For someone with poor eyesight problems (like me) this makes it very difficult to focus and read all the text. Either make the (link) text darker or make it another darker colour (ie. navy blue)
Thanks, chrishajer and _ck_!
That’s a good point, _ck_. I have made some adjustments to the superbold theme, like increasing the font size. But you’re right – the link color was too light. I’ve replaced the medium gray link color with a dark blue #000066. I’ve replaced the dark gray #444444 text with black.
Dawn, there is a great add-on for Firefox called “Colour Contrast Analyser” from JuicyStudio.
Here is the output of that tool for your site.
Things look good overall, and you need to read the report and say whether or not the combinations listed there can ever occur in the real world or not.
I would also validate the XHTML and CSS at W3C:
Still looks good to me, overall. Nice job.
Yes, I do have that add-on. I used it in creating nhsdesigns.com.
Again, I used a theme from elsewhere, so I will try to validate it when I get some extra time. 