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a few styling questions

  • @boionfire81


    First off let me say I think I may have no clue as to the move of the bbpress files to child theme.


    should that be the first folder and later under bbpress templates, i.e start @ “default” and copy ALL files an folders to move under the websites theme????? Eactly where and what is copied?

    My second question. css fixtures seem to be working fine, but I can not remove the (#,#) beside the sub-forum titles on the main page.

    Next question, how can I remove the announcement area?

    I would also like to remove the View # topics @ the top of the topics list & just display at the bottom of the list.

    Now here is where the layout starts to really change.

    I would like to remove the bar saying Topic, Voices, Replies, Freshness.

    Then reformat the forum list to display

    The topic area the same, but remove the voices # & replies # & place a small vertical divider and finally display a box of user profile pictures from the participants in the topic.

    Yeah, it’s a big difference in the look & considering I’m having a hard time just know where to put the folders should be interesting trying to pull this off. Hopefully you guys have patience. 🙂

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  • @robin-w




    sorry hit publish a bit early meant to go to say

    You can copy all the templates across, but you only need to copy those that you want to change, and it is better just to do this, as then you know which you have altered.

    so if you wanted to amend loop-single-forum you would do the following

    create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    Make a copy of this file, and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with
    bbPress will now use this template instead of the original
    and you can amend this



    Yeah, I still don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

    Changed line 44 like the step-by step guide said to remove the (#,#) after the forum names, but they are still there.

    Step-By-Step Guide



    ok try my style pack

    then go to dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>forum display no.2

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