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3 Issues: Page Title, Permalinks, Page Not Found

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  • @zaerl




    @ zaerl… i think you did not read his post completely …

    please read it again and see what he said

    Note: I’ve tried various things but nothing happened even i tried




    but they are not useful ..

    any solution?



    1- Are you calling bb_get_header() or get_header()?

    @ gerikg thanks to take interest in this post…

    I’m calling <?php global $is_bb; $is_bb = true; get_header();?> for header and

    <?php get_footer(); ?> for footer…

    so what is next?



    I’m also searching the solution for this problem… it is really big issue who need to be resolved…

    where are you chris and developers?



    @zaerl: thank you!! =D

    @cNc: my plugin is not working for you because your forum presents a different structure from the one I’ve always seen in bbPress, aka /bbpress-path/forum/forum-name (i.e. without “s” on “forum”). What version of bbPress are you using? I may rewrite my plugin to make it work even with your forum, though I think it would be better for you to get to standard structure and then activate Nicer Permalinks.



    Ahem.. taking a look to my Permalinks admin page I noticed it says name based permalinks will look like /forum/forums/first-forum but when I turn them on they look like /forum/forum/first-forum, so please cNc tell me if this happens to you too; if not, and if more people forums behave like this, I’ll have to make some changes to my plugin…

    @ mr_pelle… what do you mean about standard structure?

    I think sensible people use the word “forum+s” rather then forum… like

    and what you think… if someone use the word boards for discussion or and want to use the word community?

    then your plugin will useful for us?

    second.. I’ve tried your plugin with the word forum but your plugin did not work… and it did not remove the additional word of “forum” from the permalinks…

    can u explain what should I do?

    or can you give me your contact detail here so that we can work fast on this issue?

    I hope you’ll help me..



    And I’m using Version 1.0.2

    And nothing happened after your plugin activate or deactivate

    its still






    Sorry, you probably misunderstood me: I was trying to say that your URIs are different from mines not because you chose forums while I chose my-forum-name, of course, but because appended to the forum path I have the word forum while you have forums. That’s not a detail!

    As I said here, it seems that my forum (with just name based permalinks on, no plugins) would look like /my-forum-name/forums/my-first-forum-name too, but in the end it does not! It looks like /my-forum-name/forum/my-first-forum-name, exactly the same as the bbPress forums we are posting on.

    In this very moment your forum URIs look exactly as they should, but they are not working correctly: I’m pretty sure the reason is you did not update nicer-htaccess forum path before activating the plugin.

    Please let me know if this is the problem, in the meanwhile I will update Nicer Permalinks plugin page specifying everyone has to do this before activating it.



    I’ve just added +FollowSymlinks to nicer-htaccess: I don’t know if this was another config detail missing… give it a try!



    1) I might be wrong but the issue might be because you do not have bb_head() in the header and do_action(‘bb_foot’) in the footer. It might cause you to have problems with some plugins as well (with your other problems). Have you thought about converting your WP theme into a bbPress theme?

    @ pelle… I tried it again… nothing happened.. still show



    Page not found!

    I’m sorry, but there is nothing at this URL.

    what should I do?


    @ gerikg…… here is my header file


    $_head_profile_attr = ”;

    if ( bb_is_profile() ) {

    global $self;

    if ( !$self ) {

    $_head_profile_attr = ‘ profile=””&#8216;;




    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN” “”&gt;

    <html xmlns=””&lt;?php bb_language_attributes( ‘1.1’ ); ?>>

    <head<?php echo $_head_profile_attr; ?>>

    <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=8″ />

    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ />

    <title><?php bb_title() ?></title>

    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bb_stylesheet_uri(); ?>” type=”text/css” />

    <?php if ( ‘rtl’ == bb_get_option( ‘text_direction’ ) ) : ?>

    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bb_stylesheet_uri( ‘rtl’ ); ?>” type=”text/css” />

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php bb_feed_head(); ?>

    <?php bb_head(); ?>


    <body id=”<?php bb_location(); ?>”>

    <div id=”wrapper”>

    <div id=”header” role=”banner”>

    <h1>“><?php bb_option(‘name’); ?></h1>

    <?php if ( bb_get_option(‘description’) ) : ?><p class=”description”><?php bb_option(‘description’); ?></p><?php endif; ?>

    <?php if ( !in_array( bb_get_location(), array( ‘login-page’, ‘register-page’ ) ) ) login_form(); ?>

    <div class=”search”>

    <?php search_form(); ?>



    <div id=”main”>

    <?php if ( bb_is_profile() ) profile_menu(); ?>

    and here is my footer file



    <div id=”footer” role=”contentinfo”>

    <p><?php printf(__(‘%1$s is proudly powered by bbPress.’), bb_option(‘name’), “;) ?></p>

    <!– If you like showing off the fact that your server rocks –>

    <!– <p class=”showoff”>


    global $bbdb;


    __( ‘This page generated in %s seconds, using %d queries.’ ),

    bb_number_format_i18n( bb_timer_stop(), 2 ),

    bb_number_format_i18n( $bbdb->num_queries )



    </p> –>


    <?php do_action(‘bb_foot’); ?>



    I’ve convert my wp theme into bbPress

    here is my forums link


    now what next? help please





    “First Forums” URI is and topics URIs look like there is an / in excess in every URI.

    Nicer Permalinks does not add slashes to topics URIs, so it’s coming from somewhere else…

    Deactivate the plugin, restore your original .htaccess and turn off permalinks. Then re-do everything from the beginning as described in my Installation instructions, trying to see exactly when links do not work anymore.

    EDIT: I also noticed that Forum links in header and footer are different, but they work the same… 0_o”



    1) That is your header.php and footer.php file in your bbPress theme but you’re NOT using them. You’re using your WordPress theme’s header.php & footer.php. I did a view source on your site and the first two lines after body is:

    <body> <div id="header"> <div id="logo">

    If you were pulling what you pasted before it should of been:

    <body id="xxx"><div id="wrapper"><div id="header" role="banner">

    So you’re not pulling bb_head() & do_action(‘bb_foot’)



    @gerikg: that’s what I suspected too… bad integration?



    @mr_pelle, no cNc is just calling the WP one <?php global $is_bb; $is_bb = true;<b> get_header();</b>?>.

    The solution would be calling the bbPress one bb_get_header() and bb_get_footer() and adjusting the header.php & footer.php in the bbpress theme to closely match the one in the WordPress one.



    Regarding the permalink “where is my last post” – it got flagged as spam by Akismet. Most likely because of all the links, all the URLs and linking your username to a website in the profile. I saw it caught about 3 times I think. I did not rescue any of those since discussion has continued here.

    @ chrishajer…. Yes I had made my last 2 posts but I was thinking you delete them.. but its amazing that when I login these post show but when I logout theses post goes hide.. I think its bbpress bug (sorry to say) .. I know you’ll talk about them .. that’s why I saved a screenshot regarding my 2 post.. and you’ll see what happen..

    here is its screenshot

    Now what you think? why array happened? I think there was another issue not Akismet matter :)


    @ gerikg now what should I do? should I show wp header and footer files? and please tell me how can I call bb_head() & do_action(‘bb_foot’) into wp header and footer … and where there place and lines?


    @ pelle .. Ok dude I’ll try again… :D



    @cNc Email me your WP theme, I’ll try to do it for you. gerikg #



    @cNc: the best thing would be to test the forum out of a WordPress page, so there would be no header/footer problems.

    @ gerikg… I’ve sent you an email.. I’ll really appreciate your spirit if you will help me.. thanks dude.. you are a good person..

    I’m waiting reply from your side with great curiosity and with positive response.


    @ pelle.. my first priority for my forums is seamless integration.. otherwise my forums will be useless. Thanks for you suggestions…





    @cNc: I just noticed your forum is working now! What did you change in the end? Have you already re-tried Nicer Permalinks? I released a slightly enhanced version yesterday…

    @ chrishajer… topic has been resolved… My problem has gone..


    @ gerikg reply regaring your email

    Because you was using the wordpress header you wasn’t using the style.css file in the theme. I left it so it’s not used but adjusted the other files.

    …:: Yes I’m using my bbpress style sheet into wp style sheet…

    I tried your files but they did not work…

    Its was a matter of global variable ..

    I’ve learned it from this post

    <?php if ($forumpage == TRUE) {


    echo ” :.: AKN&I”;

    } else …

    to add the forum feed:

    <?php if ($forumpage == TRUE) bb_feed_head(); ?>

    in my case I call global variables..

    anyway thanks for your help..


    @ pelle .. really sorry dude your plugin did not work for my forums.. I hope it will work for others..

    and I hope you’ll make it better and simple..

    all the best….



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