zuckerbaby (@zuckerbaby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @zuckerbaby


    Thanks, Lynq (and John).

    I could have sworn I tried that.

    This time I put #bbp_topic_tags { display: none; } at the very top of the CSS, and now it works.

    And then I went into form-reply.php and form-topic.php and deleted the words “Topic tags:” and “Tags:”

    Thanks all!!!



    I “solved” this by using this plugin.

    It automatically reversed the reply order for me – although the topic description also gets pushed to the bottom. Whatever you do, don’t use this plugin to reorder topics, or you will get an error and will not be able to recover your topic list.




    Wish I could do it with CSS, but I ended up just deleting the inputs from the PHP files.


    bbpress > form-reply.php form-topic.php

    Delete this part in each of the above files:

    <?php do_action( ‘bbp_theme_before_reply_form_tags’ ); ?>


    <label for=”bbp_topic_tags”><?php _e( ‘Tags:’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?></label>

    <input type=”text” value=”<?php bbp_form_topic_tags(); ?>” tabindex=”<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>” size=”40″ name=”bbp_topic_tags” id=”bbp_topic_tags” <?php disabled( bbp_is_topic_spam() ); ?> />




    That didn’t work, Nuldi.

    Am I even editing the right file?

    wp-content > plugins > bbpress > bbp-twentyten > css > bbpress.css

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