Fixed it myself. Extending on benklocek s code, and also translating, added to themes functions.php
function my_custom_roles( $role, $user_id ) {
if( $role == ‘Keymaster’ )
return ‘Sjef’;
if( $role == ‘Spectator’ )
return ‘Observator’;
if( $role == ‘Blocked’ )
return ‘Utestengt’;
if( $role == ‘Participant’ )
return ‘Deltager’;
return $role;
add_filter( ‘bbp_get_user_display_role’, ‘my_custom_roles’, 10, 2 );
I did the change
But still displays keymaster..
This is an inactive topic. If anyone else knows..
Hi. Nice Plug. Howeer my site still displays “keymaster”. Some of the other strings are changed though.