Ted Thompson (@yorokobi)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    Seriously, you pulled it away from WP’s settings but provided no means, short of coding, to whitelist tags?



    Create a post in the visual editor it performs normally. Click “text” tab, and you see the tags as expected. Click the “visual” tab and again it appears normally.

    Once POSTED, if you then attempt to edit it, you get the visual tab, and SEE the HTML tags. They are not however the actual tags, when you click the “text” tab you see they are actually & l t ; HTMLTAG & g t ;Whatever the text is& l t ;/HTMLTAG& g t ;

    (I do believe that before 2.4-alpha that clicking the “text” tab would result in the same thing BEFORE posting, so it’s “semi” fixed)

    WordPress 3.5.1
    bbPress 4.2-alpha
    bbPress – Mark as Read 0.3
    bbPress Beta Tester 0.1
    bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab 1.0
    bbPress Unread Posts 1.0
    GD bbPress Tools 1.4



    Just installed the beta tester plug in and updated to v2.4-alpha and it did NOT fix this…



    Any ETA on that? (I found this after setting it up on a live site, and I’m going to be asked)



    One more time…

    By which I mean (JIC I’m using the wrong term) you get < s t r o n g > Test < / s t r o n g > rather then seeing Test as you’d expect in the text box.



    I never know how to write so tags will show up….

    By which I mean (JIC I’m using the wrong term) you get < s t r o n g > Test < / s t r o n g > rather then seeing Test as you’d expect in the text box.

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