Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Creating a bbPress sticky?
Found the location to sticky posts, but how can I get the shaded green colored to color the sticky as shown on
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?Resolve and close post.
I just did a fresh bbPress installation. I now have full access to bbPress Admin area by keeping my WordPress username and password. My WordPress authors are now listed under bbPress Admin.
Wonderful! I’m a happy bbPress camper.
Thanks to everyone.
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?I have resolved my bbPress/WordPress user name and password issue! I was using the WP prefix found in «The name of the database» to configure «WordPress table prefix» in the bbPress config.php. While researching phpMyAdmin, I realize that _usermeta and _users were in double; one pair with _wp and one pair with prefix xxxxxxxx_.
define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘xxxxxxxx_xxxxx’); // The name of the database
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;
I’m learning by trial and error and mostly by your patience and support.
I’ve tested fully WordPress and bbPress integration; bbpress-integration.php is normal and working as expected.
While login as bbPress Admin, there’s no Admin panel available within bbPress, I assume that this is normal for reason all Admin work is done within WordPress. Am I right?
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?Thanks for ready my posts mdawaffe,
«… bbpress-integration.php should add a “bbPress” tab in your WordPress admin under the Plugins tab… »
It’s there as describe.
«… Go to the bbPress tab. Did you fill in your bbPress table prefix?.. »
Under my WordPress MySQL tables, I find the WordPress and bbPress databases.
The way this all should work is:
«… A new user registers on bbPress. The first time that new user browses to WordPress, he or she is added to the member list (prior to then, that new user is listed under “No Role for this Blog”)… »
«… The same should hold if you swap “bbPress” and “WordPress” in the above paragraph… »
«… What are your $bb->wp_home and $bb->wp_siteurl settings in bbPress’ config.php?… »
It’s configured with for both; it’s taken from WordPress – Options->General:..
Thanks for your patience and support.
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?Yes, I can confirm that my bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php plugins are installed in WordPress plugins folder and not in bbPress.
«… As for my bbPress and WordPress Admin username and password is the same for both databases: bbPress was integrated into WordPress MySQL tables during installation and configuration. Consequently, bbPress and WordPress seems to share the same cookies reason when I logged into one as Admin, I’m logged into the other as Admin; the same is true when I’m logout out… »
If my bbPress and WordPress seems to be using the same cookies, it’s because I change my bbPress Admin or Keymaster password to the exact/same WordPress existing password; reality check, the bbPress generated password at Installation will not work when trying to login WordPress.
I’m a newbie to all of this configuration.
bbpress-integration.php has been activated within WordPress plugin window/tab.
Thanks for your patience.
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?I’m already using WordPress French 2.0.5
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?Tested by creating a new member within bbPress. Then, still login bbPress, I attempt to connect with WordPress, but I get the message «Session has expired». My username automatically fills in the login username space within WordPress. In addition, this new member is not listed under WordPress members.
In reply to: Deleting/erasing bbPress members?Ok, then I will have to resolve my login issue described over here:
Thanks for your reply.
In reply to: Login Username & password issue?Yes.
In reply to: bbPress installation not working?In addition, I tested registeration within bbpress, but it didn’t registered within my integrated WordPress. What’s wrong?
In reply to: bbPress installation not working?Ok, thanks, did modified config.php as suggested. Right now, I keep getting error message when I want to post or read a post. How can I resolve?
In reply to: Dropdown menu listing & Integration with WordPress?Thanks for support and moderation of my post.
About the bbPress installation First Step, what should be inputed in the following:
Thanks in advance for all replies.
Login name:This is where I enter my WordPress account’s login name?
First Forum
Forum Name:* What should I choose to put here? Does it have to match WordPress to integrate bbPress?
Double-check that login name before continuing.
In reply to: Dropdown menu listing & Integration with WordPress?I beleive you… Don’t worry, I don’t blame your article. It’s very well written; no joking
Thanks for your support. By the way, nice to meet you.
Hope you can help.
Here is my config.php:
define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // The name of the database
define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // Your MySQL username
define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘per my WordPress wp-config.php’); // …and password
define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘ localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value
$bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // I chose that my bbPress prefix start with bb_.
$bb->domain = ‘’; // Not sure which domain to choose here? is my WordPress domain.
$bb->path = ‘/bbpress/’; // My bbPress folder is title bbpress as shown in this FTP path: (/public_html/blogue/bbPress). My WordPress folder is title blogue as shown in this FTP path: (/public_html/blogue/bbPress).
$bb->name = ‘Babillard’;
$bb->admin_email = ‘** MODERATED**’;
$bb->mod_rewrite = false;
$bb->page_topics = 30;
$bb->edit_lock = 60;
$bb->gmt_offset = -4; (Eastern Daytime)
define(‘BBLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);
$bb->akismet_key = ** MODERATED**;
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ** MODERATED**; // I’m sure about my WordPress database prefix!
$bb->wp_home =; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash
$bb->wp_siteurl =; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash
When I add wp_home & wp_siteur1 URL as , I get the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home/patrimoi/public_html/blogue/bbpress/config.php on line 53 at . I retrieve this URL under my WordPress Options General.
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?Continued from my previous post: oddly enough, once my bbPress tables were imported into WordPress, also all of my WordPress registered identifiers were erased from their postings. In addition, I no longer have Administrator access to my WordPress login… weird. With all facts presented, their is logic and also non logical facts.
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?Continued from my previous post: I chose identifier Robert Richard (space) in bbPress (Administrator during Running Installer) and the same identifier existed within WordPress; end results, bbPress replace Robert Richard within WordPress that became RobertRichard (no space).
Previous to the bbPress integration attempts, I use to login WordPress with Blogue (identifier) and password; but all WordPress posts were identified as Robert Richard (space) to visitors. This said, I’m not sure if you would call Robert Richard within WordPress as an identifier.
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?«What steps did you take? Did you install bbPress in another database or did you install it again in the current database that WordPress is at. »
I did install bbPress in another database or by itself… separate from WordPress database.
«If you installed in another database and then exported out the bb_ prefix tables and imported them in the database with the wp_ prefix tables, nothing should have happened to WordPress.»
Yes, it’s what my web host support that did the export/import… the exact same steps you instructed me to do or as shown above: export bbPress tables, then import bbPress to WordPress. It seems that I’ve use the same identifier or username (Robert Richard) for the bbPress as it already existed within WordPress (Robert Richard)… both database had the same Admin username or identifier.
«Either way, nothing should have happened to WordPress because bbPress uses the login information from WordPress, not vice-versa.»
I’m not sure of about «either way», but I will ask my web host help desk to re-install backups and start over again with a different identifier or username.
«When I installed bbPress, I chose the ‘key master’ as an account that isn’t the admin in WordPress. That is a pain because I have to login as 1 user to administer bbPress and logout and login as another user to administer WordPress. Of course, I figured all this out after importing my phpBB posts.»
I’m figuring out this stuff hands on and by having you as a support. It seems logical to have a different identifier; I thought about it afterwards. Regretfully, I don’t have the formal training with database and tables to have predicted this dynamic. Luckily, has you.
Thanks a million.
Robert Richard.
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?Continued from my previous memo : all of my WordPress identifiers or users names have disappeared (empty) from their posts and comments… as if they never existed. In addition, all of my WordPress posts and comments are now using my new bbPress identifier (moderator/administrator).
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?Hello again Trent,
I’ve done all the steps you’ve suggested in your previous post, including export/import. My web host help desk has provided me the support. The only problem, I can longer access existing and previous WordPress Administrator access. It’s solely bbPress Admin that has access to WordPress as a regular user. What do you suggest? My web host has made a backups, so did I on a regular basis, then don’t worry about reverting back to previous WordPress settings.
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?«… Go into the cpanel and delete all the bb_ prefix tables in your database… »
There are no bb_prefix tables within MySQL or phpMyAdmin.
«… It won’t let you re-install as long as the tables are there… cpanel to phpMyadmin or a similar tool… »
I understand perfectly. I personally have access to both, cpanel and phpMyadmin.
«… Maybe ask your host if you need to… »
I’ve access/checked myself and have ask my web host support desk, there are no bb_ prefix tables in these normal location. It’s my issue, I canno’t do Running Installer via and get Moderator username and password.
Thanks for your help and patience.
Got it! bbpress-integration.php file now displaying within WordPress Plugin section; bbPress tab has been configured to my bb_ prefix. What about the display-name.php file? It doesn’t appear within WordPress Plugin section; I suppose it’s normal?
Thanks a million Trent.
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?Thanks Trent,
Yes, I also wish I could clean up my previous posts.
My only main issue to resolve is that I’m no longer capable of Running the Installer in order to get new Admin access, username and password, even after new fresh FTP upload. I don’t have Admin access to bbPress. I’ve configured Config.php to integrate my existing WordPress MySQL database.
I really don’t know how to resolve the above.
All of my previous posted issues have been resolve.
Thanks any replies.
The bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php files where dropped within the following path: /public_html/blogue/bbpress/bb-plugins. These files are not showing within my existing WordPress Admin manager plugin area; there’s no bbPress tab.
Thanks for replying.
If your suggestion is within the bbPress Administrator Panel, I can’t access it right now. It’s my second issue . If it’s not the Admin Panel, then I don’t understand where this location lead to.
Thanks for your patience.
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?If I Integrated my bbPress with WordPress MySQL database, should I get full Administrator access by using my WordPress Administrator username and password?
In reply to: Configuring Config.php file?I’ve got report back from my web hosting company, latter advise that they found no bbpress MySQL database saved on my cPanel server.
I really don’t know what to do next… do you?