Peter Westwood (@westi)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: URL detection fails



    Hashbang urls are now handled in BackPress trunk as of

    And so work on the forums and anywhere else where a bbPress install pulls it’s BackPress external from HEAD of trunk/includes



    I’ve ported over the changes to KSES and clean_url into a branch in the BackPress repo ready for bbPress 1.0.x branch work.

    If anyone has cycles to review and test would be great :-)



    I’ve ported over the changes to KSES and clean_url into a branch in the BackPress repo ready for bbPress 1.0.x branch work.

    If anyone has cycles to review and test would be great :-)

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    It will probably also suffer from what I call the “kitchen sink” syndrome of WordPress where massive chunks of code are added as features which should have been plugins. But Automattic in general has a “not invented here” attitude towards plugins – if it’s not in the core, it doesn’t count.

    Firstly, it’s not “Automattic” that decides what ends up in the core of WordPress – we have open discussions to set the feature lists for each release and the decisions are driven based on input from a large base of regular contributors.

    Secondly, I strongly disagree with the implication that WordPress has a “kitchen sink” feature set – in fact we try very hard to only bring in the things which have a wide audience and leave the more niche things for plugins.

    One of the factors which helps a feature come into the core is the existence of a plugin which is popular showing a clear demand for a feature and sometimes providing a starting point for the implementation as well.

    In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born



    Westi didn’t comment on it in my email to him, though he did say that he didn’t know that bbPress was dependant on BackPress – and he’s the BackPress lead!! really lovely guy, but it hardly bodes well.

    That isn’t a fair representation of what I said in reply to the email which was:

    I was unaware that BackPress was blocking bbPress release this is the first I have heard of it.

    Which is perfectly true – no one had tried to contact me directly about it before you.

    I was and still am surprised that a point release of bbPress would be running with a floating external as trunk of BackPress is never guaranteed to be perfect code.

    I would actually expect it to be run against the last revision that bbPress was release / against a branch with specific fixes as required.

    If anyone want to be sure to get my attention for a BackPress issue then the extremely quite BackPress-dev mailing list is the best way – I read every email to that list promptly –

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