TranThe (@webvaseo)

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  • In reply to: bbPress 2.2.3 Released



    I suspect the source is located in the X-Profile of Buddypress and Role Users
    This could be a power failure occurs.
    With my above can solve the problem, but it is extremely dangerous with large database

    Someone highly qualified to study this problem one seriously, it is a great help.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.3 Released



    I do not really understand the problem.
    However I believe it is an error in the database table wp_options
    I was overcome as follows:
    1: Exporting all of the tables in the database  exclusion  wp_options
    2:  new wordpress installation complete
    3: remove all of the tables in the new database, but to wp_options
    4: Import database just saved aboveeverything

    Do it slowly and carefully, step by step. Did not have any errors

    You may have to re-install option, re-activate the plugins and themes …

    Any help is better than the best
    Sorry: my english is bad  ;( , try to understand 🙂

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.3 Released



    I also have the same problem on page 404
    When logging with bbPress highest account works very well
    When not logged into the system everything works very well also
    However, when logging in with your member account, 404 occurred with every link of bbPress

    This is my website: wp: v3.5
    This is my forum: bbppress: v: 2.2.3
    I use buddypress but only use the x-profile feature: buddypres v1.6.2

    You can test error with acc: ngoctrinh pass: s1234567
    Any help is really great!

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