Vishnja1 (@vishnja1)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @vishnja1


    Hello! I have the same situation.
    There isn’t a problem to add link to user profile navigation. But the problem is to ‘register’ that page in such way, that it contents would render properly under ‘base_url/forums/users/someuser/your-custom-page/’ url. bbPress allows to see other user’s profile info too.
    I also couldn’t not find any guide how to do this or find it in plugin code. But if that page will be private (only for one user, like ‘Edit profile’ which disappears on others user acc pages) there is a workaround.
    You can create page template, copy ‘single-user.php’ contents to it and create page for this template in admin. Then add a link in profile page. Also you should add filters to ‘bbp_get_user_id’ and ‘bbp_get_displayed_user_field’ to make everything work correctly on that page. (I can provide code if you’re interested).



    Having the same problem. After creating new roles they aren’t saved in user profile. In the
    “Forum Role” select there is “- No role for this forums -“. Though really role seems to be applied. I’ve tried all approaches from this documentation page
    The only thing that helped was installing “Members” plugin of Justin Tadlock (thank you Jakobuz) and double creating roles with same names. I think this is a bug.

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