Todd - WireFlare (@tscadfx)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles



    Marked as fixed in the upcoming 2.5 release. See the ticket here:

    In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles



    Done Thanks!

    In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles



    I’m glad it worked for you please considering liking my blog post or commenting on it.

    Share the love!

    In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles




    My sincere apologies. I forgot one line of code on the blog post. I’ve added it and corrected the blog post to reflect the forgotten line.

    Above all of the code that you have add this:

    add_filter('wp_title', 'bbpress_title_duplicates', 20, 3 );

    Again, my apologies for the oversight.

    In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles




    It is case sensitive therefore make sure that “il” is “Il” otherwise it won’t work.

    In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles



    Ok so because you are doing this in Italian it might be different. I’m not 100% sure that the below solution will work because I don’t have a site to test it on and I don’t know how the language translation hooks in. But lets try this:

    1 – Replace all instances of ‘Profile’ with ‘Il profilo di’
    2 – Replace the following:
    Topics Started –> Argomenti aperti da
    Replies Created –> Risposte creati dal
    Subscribed Threads –> Discussioni sottoscritte da
    Favorite Threads –> Discussioni preferite di

    In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles



    Go to a user page and copy the URL post the domain.tld and put it here in the forum so I can see your url structure.

    Because the work around that I’ve created is based on a copy/replace is has to be exactly correct based on the URL.

    In reply to: Duplicate Page Titles




    What using this assumes:

    1 – That you are using BBPress version 2.4
    2 – That you don’t have anything else modifying these titles
    3 – That you haven’t changed the structure of the titles via the core files.
    4 – Your user slugs are as follows:
    User Base :users
    Topics Started :topics
    Replies Created :replies
    Favorite Topics :favorites
    Topic Subscriptions :subscriptions

    Following the above I have no clue why you would see “Profile Of”. The way that BBPress generates this Title is clearly shown on line 2563 of /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/common/template.php which shows:

    	} elseif ( bbp_is_single_user() ) {
    		// Current users profile
    		if ( bbp_is_user_home() ) {
    			$new_title['text'] = esc_attr__( 'Your Profile', 'bbpress' );
    		// Other users profile
    		} else {
    			$new_title['text']   = get_userdata( bbp_get_user_id() )->display_name;
    			$new_title['format'] = esc_attr__( "%s's Profile", 'bbpress' );

    (Note that your file may contain $title in lieu of $new_title, this is because we are using a forked version, but that doesn’t change anything.)

    Therefore, the output of this should be either “Your Profile” or “Username’s ($s’s) Profile”. No where in that is “Profile of”. If you click on your profile here on you’ll see that it says “Your Profile” as well.

    Please check that everything in 1-4 is correct. This is the default way that BBPress is setup.

    Hope that helps. I have also added these requirements to my blog post to help clarify.



    It depends on what you need done in order to properly quote someone a price. We do quite a few BBPress and WHMCS theme integrations with WP.

    Ultimately, you should pick someone that you’re comfortable with after they have thoroughly looked at your site and gathered the required information about the changes you want.

    We are a California based company with all staff located in the US. If you’d like us to take a look at your site and talk to you about changes we be more than happy to do so.



    It doesn’t look like things are too messed up. Although it’s not always the best method in this case I would recommend using the !important tag in your css for bbpress. This will only override the theme when the bbpress-forum tag precedes it therefore not effecting the rest of the site.

    Specifically you should follow the instructions to move the css into your theme directory and then modify line 62 of the bbpress.css found in your theme/css folder. You’ll need to add !important before the ; and after your list-style and margin entries. In order to get rid of the stars you’ll have to add a line of css defining the “a” style within the bbpress-forum. You’ll need to set the background to none and the padding to 0.

    Hope that helps.



    This is true and I should have mentioned that when I posted the code just as a precautionary measure but for me it’s not about looks it’s about database efficiency. Therefore, removing any and all revisions is good once you know that it’s safe to do so.

    Unfortunately BBPress stores it’s revisions without anything different from that of a post. Here’s a revised version of the code should you only want to delete one forum topic revision as that’s really the only other way beside hiding the code.

    And for those that just want to hide the code edit your theme css and use this:

    .bbp-reply-revision-log {
    display: none !important;

    If you’d like to just remove revisions from a single forum topic use this in the same manner as my previous post and modify {post title} to reflect your topic title exactly how it’s shown, with spaces.

    $posts = get_posts('post_type=revision&post_status=any&post_title={post title}&numberposts=-1');
    foreach($posts as $post)
    echo "{$post->post_title}n";

    Hope this helps clarify and remember to always make a backup as the script does modify your database.



    I would suggest creating a backup of your database before performing this. Once you have a backup create a PHP file and paste the below code in it:



    $posts = get_posts(‘post_type=revision&post_status=any&numberposts=-1’);

    foreach($posts as $post)


    echo “{$post->post_title}n”;




    Place the file in your WordPress root folder and load the file in your web browser by typing {domain}/{filename}.php

    It should output a list of revisions that were removed.

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