theredeclipse (@theredeclipse)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    By not working i mean it not replaces original <span class=”bbp-admin-links”></span> to <div class=”list”></div> To make sure its not a glitch of my theme I’ve installed a fresh copy of WP and BP on local drive, but nothing has changed.

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Not working :[

    Just my curiosity, but why html markup is included in code? I worked in past with DLE engine and all markup was purely inside of template.

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    hm, it crashes site, appears just a blank page

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    thanks for your input, but it still not working. :<

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Thanks a lot, it works now! I’ve removed “class=”bbp-author-” and rest of the code doesn’t display so its suits perfectly for me.

    Now I trying to change args of bbp_get_reply_admin_links (stored in bbpress/includes/replies/template.php)

    Thats my hook

    function hw_get_reply_admin_links ($args) {
    $args = array (
    			'before' => '<div class="list">',
    			'after'  => '</div>',
    return $args;
    add_filter ('bbp_get_reply_admin_links', 'hw_get_reply_admin_links' );

    What’s wrong here?

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Any idea how to do this please?

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Oh, code located in /includes/replies/template.php, line 1241

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Tho still trying to figure out how to replace default classes.

    Code in BBpress:

    			// Link class
    			$link_class = ' class="bbp-author-' . esc_attr( $r['type'] ) . '"';
    			// Add links if not anonymous and existing user
    			if ( empty( $anonymous ) && bbp_user_has_profile( bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id ) ) ) {
    				// Assemble the links
    				foreach ( $author_links as $link => $link_text ) {
    					$link_class = ' class="bbp-author-' . $link . '"';
    					$author_link[] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s"%2$s%3$s>%4$s</a>', esc_url( $author_url ), $link_title, $link_class, $link_text );


    function hw_get_reply_author_link($link_class) {  
      $link_class = preg_replace('/ class="bbp-author-"/','/ class="myclass" /',$link_class);  
      return $link_class;  

    Cant make this work. Well output itself works as should, but it doesn’t replace bbp-author- to myclass. Can you tell me what’s wrong with it?

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Nvm, got solution:

    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'sep' => '', 'show_role' => false, 'type' => 'name' ) ); ?>


    <?php bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'sep' => '', 'show_role' => true, 'type' => 'avatar' ) ); ?>

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Thanks for the link, it explains. But can you tell me at least approximate way to call separately avatar and username by this function bbp_reply_author_link? It will help alot

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    I’ve tried at least to change <span> like in your example, but it doesn’t work. Aswell tried to pull this out in this way:

    add_filter ('bbp_reply_admin_links', 'theredeclipse_change' ) ;
    function theredeclipse_change ($retval, $r) {
    $r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    			'before' => '<span class="bbp-admin-links">',
    			'after'  => '</span>',
    		), 'get_reply_admin_links' );
    return $retval ;

    And several attempts more, but nothing happens :[

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links



    Default output looks like

    <span class="bbp-admin-links">
    // inside different classes of links

    I would like change it to
    <a class="button"></a>
    So I want to delete span from output and use one style for each <a> link, if its possible.

    And the thing is – I could do it by modifying forum files, but after update it will be overwritten. So I want to use bbpress functions php file to change output, but I don’t know how. I hope I’ve explained it well 😛

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