tharsheblows (@tharsheblows)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @tharsheblows


    Oh no, I know that – I am doing a somewhat bad thing and suggesting that I add in a hook to line 447 (ish – after line 446 at any rate and before the current line 448) eg — I want the mail send to happen *after* the page redirects:

    do_action( 'bbp_after_new_reply', $reply_id, $topic_id, $forum_id, $anonymous_data, $reply_author, false, $reply_to );

    then in bbp-functions (or something like this)

    remove_action( 'bbp_new_reply',    'bbp_notify_subscribers',                 11, 5 );
    add_action( 'bbp_after_new_reply',    'bbp_notify_subscribers',                 11, 5 );



    Oh yes, you’re right, that’s what I was looking at initially – I went back to find the line number and got the wrong one. (This sort of thing happens all too frequently.)

    So what do you think? Would it affect anything else if I just put a hook there (ie after the redirect) and hooked in bbp_notify_subscribers?



    I can see how that would work. I mean this:

    Another idea would be allowing the user to add an RSS feed to his profile and get the latest content from that rss feed

    I used this to make a widget to pull in rss feeds – this post was very clear and helpful:

    You could do something similar – make a new user meta field where people could put in their rss feed links, then, if they have filled that out, display it on their profile page somewhere or make a new tab for it (like “topics” “replies” etc).



    Ah, ok, I understand what you want (I think). I have a page like that where I use the [all-recent-topics] shortcode : . I’m going to try using it in a text widget* but when that doesn’t look like I want, will copy / paste / edit and make a new shortcode to use. (I like shortcodes.) I’ll probably get to it sometime this week and can post it if you’d like, with the caveat that you’ll need to adjust the styling for your site.

    *if you want to use shortcodes in text widgets add

    // Use shortcodes in text widgets.
    	 add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

    to your functions.php file.



    If you use the “Recent Topics” widget instead of the “Recent Replies” widget, you can choose “order by : Topics with recent replies” (it’s in the dropdown menu) and you’ll get what you want. If I’ve understood correctly, that is.



    I don’t think people need access to /wp-admin to browse the site.

    I keep everyone except logged-in admins from accessing wp-admin (popping them back to the homepage) by using the following in my functions.php

    //don't allow users to go wp-admin
    add_action( 'init', 'blockusers_init' );
    function blockusers_init() {
        if ( is_admin() && ! current_user_can( 'administrator' ) &&
           ! ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) ) {
            wp_redirect( home_url() );



    Hi! I think this should work – if it doesn’t, just delete the page and you’ll be back where you started.

    1- make a Page with the permalink “forums” – it can have whatever title you’d like, but if it’s something different than Forums, change the permalink to “forums”.

    2- write your welcome text just like you would on a normal page

    3- after your welcome text, put the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] – so your page will look like this:
    Hi! Welcome to the forums. Grab yourself a cup of tea, pull up a chair and have a chat with us.


    So that should work – I have pretty heavily modified templates, so if it looks weird, let me know and I’ll try to figure out what I did! It’s one of those times where I know I did *something* to this page but can’t quite remember what.



    Do you mean an anchor to the form on the bottom of the page, like this one (I mean, the one I’m typing in right now to reply to you and that you will use if you reply to me 🙂 ).

    If that’s it, then add in an anchor to form-reply.php* after the new reply div, like so:

    <div id="new-reply-<?php bbp_topic_id(); ?>" class="bbp-reply-form">
    	<a id="the-reply-form"></a>

    If that’s not it, then if you post a link, I’ll tell you which template it’s on – there’s form-topic.php as well – that one’s for topics.

    *this should be in a child bbpress theme – instructions are here: — apols if you already know this, am adding for completeness!



    Oh no, poor you! Jack should be able to re-set them via the database as here – . I’m guessing your WordPress admin password and username are different to those for the control panel for account with the hosting company.

    He can’t log in either, can he? I realise that’s a pretty obvious question but thought I’d ask. Good luck and congrats on the wedding! 🙂

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