Tammy Hart (@tammyhart)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @tammyhart


    Yeah, doesn’t quite do what I need, although it helped me figure out how to undo exclude_from_search.




    Neolo7, try setting your permalinks to something other than default. You should at least have %postname%.

    To add /forums/ to your menu, use the custom links option. Or create a page and use the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode, then add that page to the menu.

    There is a glitch that is not bbpress related, but rather it’s custom post types related. If you theme relies on the class “current_page_parent” to highlight the current page, WordPress things any post type should keep your blog page highlighted, if you have one. Here’s a piece of code you can drop in functions.php to help:

    // fix menus
    function support_menu_item($menu){
    global $post;
    if (get_post_type($post->ID) == 'forum' || get_post_type($post->ID) == 'topic' || get_post_type($post_id) == 'reply')
    $menu = str_replace( 'current_page_parent', '', $menu ); // remove all current_page_parent classes
    $menu = str_replace( 'menu-item-169', 'menu-item-169 current_page_parent', $menu ); // add the current_page_parent class to the page you want
    return $menu;
    add_filter( 'nav_menu_css_class', 'support_menu_item', 0 );

    Be sure to change “169” to the id of your menu item.

    In reply to: Theme malfunction



    I figured it out. It had something do with me calling the_excerpt_rss in my header.php. removed it, works perfectly!



    Is bbPress ever going to get as sophisticated and easy to use as WordPress?



    I guess i was wrong, thought i was working, but it’s not. Does anyone know the proper tag for this?

    In reply to: cookie timeout



    thanks alot for having me look it back over. See, I haven’t yet pointed my site to my domain yet, http://www.tammyhartdesigns.com, because i want to develop this before i release it, so i have to use that weird address to see the site so far. So i was using the /~wwwtamm as part of the address, and putting it there. but I moved it to the directories part: ‘/~wwwtamm/wordpress/bbPress/’

    and now it all works! thanks again.

    In reply to: cookie timeout





    okay, i figured all that out, but i’m getting a cookie error when i try to go to a topic or forum. I know there’s somthing about cookies in integrating, but i just don’t understand what i’m supposed to do about that.




    oops, i got it! missed that part in the config file

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